Page 6 of What Matters Most
“Do you want to race?” he called out.
“No,” Carla answered with a giggle.
“Why not?”
“Because I was on my college swim team, and I’m fast. Men can’t stand to lose.”
“Is that a fact?”
“It’s true.”
“I’m not like most men.”
Carla had noticed that. But this was turning out to be a promising relationship, and she didn’t want to ruin it. Floating lackadaisically on her back, she paddled rhythmically with her hands at her sides. Carla decided to ignore the challenge in his voice.
Philip joined her, floating on his back as well. “If you don’t want to race, what would you like to do?”
“Kiss underwater.” She laughed at the surprised look on his face as he struggled to a standing position. Philip looked different without his glasses, almost handsome. But not quite.
He stood completely still in the shoulder-deep water. “I’m not that kind of man.”
He was so serious that it took Carla a moment to realize he was kidding.
“I’m not easy, you know,” she said, flirting. “You have to catch me first.” They were acting like adolescents, and Carla loved it. With Philip she could be herself. There wasn’t any need to put on sophisticated airs.
Laughing, she twisted and dove underwater, surfacing several feet away from him. He came after her, and Carla took off with all the energy she’d expend for an important race. Using her most powerful strokes, she surged ahead. When his hand groped for her foot, she kicked frantically and managed to escape. That he’d caught up with her so quickly was hard to believe.
She was even more amazed when his solid stroke matched hers and he gripped her waist and pulled her to the side of the pool.
“You’re as slippery as an eel.”
“You’re good,” she countered. “Who taught you to swim like that?”
“My mother.” They were hidden under the shadow of a bridge that crossed a narrow section of the pool.
Carla slipped her arms around his neck. She wanted him to kiss her. She could tell he was attracted to her; she’d seen it in his eyes when they were on the beach. That look had prompted her flippant challenge about kissing underwater.
He pushed the wet strands of hair from her face. The silver light in his eyes darkened. He moved closer, but Carla assumed it was because he couldn’t see her clearly without his glasses. She liked his eyes. They were so expressive. She liked the way they darkened when he was serious and how they sparkled when he was teasing. Tiny lines fanned out from the edges, and Carla recognized that this man laughed and enjoyed life. Her feelings for him were intensifying every minute they were together.
His hands rested on either side of her face, pressing her against the side of the pool. “I’m going to kiss you,” he whispered. He released one hand and encircled her waist to pull her gently but firmly toward him.
Slowly, lengthening each moment, each breath, he lowered his mouth to hers. Carla felt herself relax, felt her body, her heart, opening to him. Wanting to touch him, needing to, she ran her hand along the side of his face, twisting her head so that when he found her lips their mouths slanted across each other’s. The kiss was gentle and soft, gradually building in intensity until Carla melted against him.
Philip let go of the side of the pool, and they sank just below the surface. Their legs entwined, and Carla opened her mouth to him. His tongue sought hers, forcing her mouth to open farther under its exploring pressure. Carla felt as if she were drowning, but the sensation was exquisite.
They broke the surface of the water together and drew in deep, shaky breaths. Her body remained tucked in his embrace. His chest pressed against the softness of her breasts, and a crazy dizziness overcame her.
The pressure of his embrace backed her against the side of the pool, and he kissed her again. Carla gloried in the wonderful, inexplicable sensations that overwhelmed her.
Their breathing was ragged when Philip buried his face in the side of her neck.
“My word,” she murmured breathlessly. “Who taught you to kiss like that?”
Philip responded with a weak laugh. “Carla.” Philip hesitated and wiped the moisture from his eyes. “I wish I could see you better.”
“I’m glad you can’t,” she replied happily. “You might get a swelled head if you could see how much I like you.”
“Carla.” His voice grew strong, serious.