Page 97 of What Matters Most
“Fine.” She flipped a strand of hair over her shoulder. “I won’t mention Patty again.”
“Are you still seeing him?”
“Who?” Abby widened her eyes innocently.
Logan’s jaw tightened grimly. “I want you to promise me that you won’t date Harding again.”
Abby stared at him.
“A simple yes or no. That’s all I want.”
The answer wasn’t even difficult. She wasn’t dating him. “And what do I get in return?”
He bent his head to study his hands. “Something that’s been yours for more than a year. My heart.”
At his words, all of Abby’s defensive anger melted. “Oh Logan,” she whispered, emotion bringing a misty happiness to her eyes.
“I’ve loved you so long, Abby, I can’t bear to lose you.” There could be no doubt of his sincerity.
“I love you, too.”
“Then why are you on the other side of the room when all I want to do is hold you and kiss you?”
The well of tenderness inside her overflowed. She rose from her sitting position. “In the interests of fairness, I think we should meet halfway. Okay?”
He chuckled as he stood, coming to her, but his eyes revealed a longing that was deep and intense. A low groan rumbled from his throat as he swept her into his arms and held her as if he never wanted to let her go. He kissed her eyes, her cheeks, the corner of her mouth until she moaned and begged for more.
“Abby.” His voice was muffled against her hair. “You’re not going to sidestep my question.”
“What question?” She smiled against his throat as she gave him nibbling, biting kisses.
His hands gripped her shoulders as he pulled her slightly away from him so he could look into her face. “You won’t be seeing Tate again?”
She decided not to make an issue of semantics. He meant date, not see. What she said in response was the truth. “I promise never to date anyone else again. Does that satisfy you?”
He linked his hands at the small of her back and smiled deeply into her eyes. “I suppose it’ll have to,” he said, echoing her remark when she’d let him in.
“Now it’s your turn.”
“What would you like?”
“No more dating Patty, okay?”
“I agree,” he replied without hesitation.
“Inventive gift ideas.”
He hesitated. “I’ll try.”
“You’re going to have to do better than that.”
“All right, all right, I agree.”
“There’s more?” he interrupted with mock impatience.
“And at some point in our lives I want to drive to Des Moines.”