Page 11 of Their Cruel Love
I’m not taking it, though. I hope I don’t need it. I shouldn’t sacrifice this place to chase after something a nightmare triggered.
Seth has paused and is waiting.
“Sorry. Go over that last bit again?”
“After this, we go somewhere less dusty.” I pat the sofa arm so that a cloud puffs up.
This large room is unfurnished except for a few sofas around the edges and some low tables. Like much of this house, it appears to have been unused and neglected for years.
“I thought you had parties here?”
“Two roleplaying ones. We didn’t come in here. This is a dance floor.” Razor turns skillfully in place, spinning like a ballet dancer. He stops, facing the double glass-fronted doors.
Phoebe is late, but she hasn’t texted an excuse. Knowing her from past school days and a few secretive dates, this is just her being tardy. The door guard will send her through. I catch a sound as if someone walks along the side of the house. Is shereconnoitering? A young woman, alone, walking about a mostly abandoned house.
She knows we’re here.
I steeple my fingers. Phoebe was never stupid, just careless, and too carefree with money, with time, and all the other things most people value.
“Also stop with the teasing,” I murmur, loud enough that he can hear. “I am your adjudicator. If…if I decide to touch her?—”
I stretch my mouth, mock smiling. “Play with her.IfI do, then I lose the bet, but you’re gaming the system.”
“I’m not making it easy for you, Brutus.”
He’s using my CNC Fraternity name, which will be necessary tonight.
Razor keeps the same one for everyday purposes. I’ve never asked if he changed it legally. It suits the man. He’s associated with cutting-edge biotech and a business that he’s built from the ground up.
I consider his words.
He claps his hands. “Good. That’s settled. It would be fucking poor manners of you to not allow me to dangle carrots before you. Especially since the main reason she’s coming to this event is because you want to drool over her succulent, juicy?—”
“Fuck off and be quieter.” I jab my finger toward the front door.
“She’s not here yet. Tell me. Why are you this invested in her? It can’t just be her body?”
“Am I?”
“You’re a part of CNC Security. It’s in the deal you were given. Is this really necessary or is it for your dick?”
“Well…she can’t get up to mischief while we have her with us. Though, do you really believe someone is trafficking girls? Millionaires…billionaires, don’t need that sort of mess.”
“Read the news lately?”
I shrug.
“Power begets corruption. People like to play in dark waters. When you can have everything that is legal, what’s left except the illegal? I’ve been with the frat longer than you, and I’ve seen things.”
“Huh.” He looks at me like I’m some innocent chicken, and he’s waiting for me to catch up. Which is new.
“As for her,” he adds, “her mischief, as you call it, is unrestrained once she leaves us.”