Page 45 of Their Cruel Love
Razor squeezes my breast, hard. Pain rises and there is laughter in his eyes as I groan and squirm on him. Entranced, mouth opening, I stare down at his hand and at where we are connected—cock in pussy.
“You’re a pain slut,” he observes. “Nice. However, stay there. As Marcus said, this is different. We think we should play it by ear, just we need to settle that none of us is aiming toharm the other…except for the good things, like piercing, needles, maybe whipping.”
I’m sure my eyes are wide. I know I haven’t blinked. I nod, and his grip lessens then firms again. His other hand arrives about my throat. I close my eyes.
“That’s distracting,” I whisper, but I’m happy like this, feeling, everything in tiny details. If Marcus rose and decided to fuck my ass while I was here, I doubt I’d protest, and I’m imagining that now.
I open my eyes, grimace, and finally Razor lets go of my breast. “So. No harming. I have kickboxed, and I promise not to use it. Or my poledancing.”
“Okay.” He nods, smiles. “Marcus?”
“Ditto. Though I’m more into Japanese swordplay. I promise not to stick anyone with the katana in the hallway. We need to be careful if we play any rough games—if you run or fight us, we must all be careful.”
Fighting them? I nod, processing that idea, even though I knew CNC might beanything—whatever one chose to make it. “There was a sword there?” I can’t recall any.
“Yes.” Marcus nods. “Asoshukatana.”
“It is a fine one,” Razor agrees. “From the thirteenth century.”
I grunt in reply, curious but rather more engrossed in what we are doing than I am with a sword from back then.
I’ve finally, sort of, grown used to just sitting on him when Razor slaps my thigh and lifts me off his cock. He nods at Marcus.
This is so weird, but even that extraction is enough to make me want a cock back inside.Withdrawal symptoms.I smirk at that thought. What my pussy wants, it gets. I crawl to Marcus then go to seat myself on his lap, my knees spreadingas he pulls me over. His cock pops inside, he pulls me down onto him, and plants himself deep, with athumpthat jars my teeth before I am aware it’s about to happen.
“Fuck!” Again? These two.
I’m grimacing because the last inch actually hurt, for a moment, and I bow my head, panting. Slowly, I straighten. His hands are still forcing me to sit there, with my ass as flat to his thighs as possible. Then he wraps both arms around me, and we’re hugging while connected.
“Good girl,” he murmurs. “Fuck indeed. You got what we said? No kicking hard, nothing damaging. You can run, hide, but the name of the game is to enjoy this.”
I suck in a few breaths, my face buried in his shoulder, and I nod. “Sure. How will you know though?” His cock feels as if it’s swelling, pulsing, now and then.
“How will we know if you’re enjoying it?”
I’m lying on my side, propped on my elbow, when she asks, how we will know if she’s enjoying it. “Just tell us if you aren’t. Loudly and in detail, and use that safeword.” I add the latter because we will, naturally, ignore a simple screamedfuck offorstoporno, or evenyou’re hurting me. Those are in the normal purview of CNC. “We know enough of your kinks to give us ideas.”
And what was that safeword? I have to think hard to recall it.
“The things we can do to you, the places we can go.” With the edge of a fingernail, I etch a wavering line up her thigh, leaving a red mark. Her leg is already quivering, locked as she is to Marcus. Her face is smooshed intohis chest, but she opens one eye and blinks at me, petulantly. I smile back. She pokes out her tongue.
“Just enjoy this, and don’t damage us,” Marcus repeats, unaware I’ve just indulged in some minor sadism.
“This place runs on voyeurism though. Don’t expect us to let you hide like in Spain.”
She mouths a swear word, a fuck, I think.
“There is someone on the jetty watching you, right now, watching you being a little slut, creaming on our cocks.” If only there was. The angle is wrong.
“Nooo.” She buries her head in Marcus again, and he laughs and fucks himself in and out of her, a few times, then flips her over onto her back but stays inside her, with her wrists pinned high, beside her head.
She seems stunned and only grinds herself upward. Those little sounds she makes, when he does some more forceful but slow thrusts while he holds her down…the wet sounds of her arousal as he shoves in.Christ.I could survive on those noises for a week, jerking off to them.