Page 93 of Their Cruel Love
“I’m a part of it, and yes as for the rest of it, the ones with guns and the skills to intercede, those are close enough.”
Intercede, another long word. I search her eyes, her face, looking for clues as to her true persona.
“Meaning you know their number?”
She smiles, says, “Yes,” and holds out her small hand. It’s about my size really, her fingers are as slender. I just don’t know if this is the right choice.
My stomach has been playing chase the icy, serpent butterflies for ages. My mouth tastes foul due to that almost puke I swallowed. I pull back my hand.
“I have to think. How can I contact you?”Tap.
“Room four zero one, but that may not always work. I have to go where Fiona does, and she will be suspicious if I wander off with you.”
“I’ll chance it. Good luck.”
She only nods as I walk away. If anything, her lack of action says she is who she says she is. Nevertheless, if I keep the phone going, I should be able to get the guys to use it. And both of them will know who to contact. I check our room, and no one is there.
It’s nine-fifteen, so I have a lot of tapping to do as I walk a meandering route around and through the resort, poking my head into places I shouldn’t. There are rooms I’ve never tried entering before, but most are locked. No one comes to stop me.
I’m tempted to go to the ruins but negotiating the trail while constantly tapping the phone? Something will go wrong. I prowl the outside of the pool enclosure. It’s dark out here. You can climb down through the terraces of the resort on the outside, and not be seen.
They must have returned by now, but I’ve not seen them.
I tap the phone screen. Even with the longer shutdown time, I’ve almost had it close a few times.
I decide to head back to our room and climb over the pool enclosure, using a rock to get enough height. Trying not to let any motion detectors spot me, I drop and sneak forward using the landscaping, furniture, and sculptures for cover. If they trigger, the lights will turn on.
A sound at my back makes me freeze.
When I twist to check what made the noise, I see two figures. One drops to the ground to crouch beside the other.
“Psst!It’s us, Phoebe!” That’s Marcus, and Razor is with him. They must have followed me over the wall.
“Shhh!Go around the outside, next to the wall. Motion detectors!”
They halt their advance and must have heard me for they come to me via a winding route.
We squat beside a fallen beach umbrella.
“Why areyouhiding, Phoebe? Why are you out here?” Razor reaches out and runs a hand up my arm. “You’re trembling.”
Am I? It’s the sudden release, the lesseningof my worries, and then the ramping up again. They’re here with me, and I don’t know where to start to explain. We are in deep shit.
“What happened to the cuff? Where were you? We’ve been looking everywhere.” Even in the darkness, Marcus looks peeved. “Are you okay?”
“I have a long story.” I search their faces, trying to discern what they’re thinking. “But did you find anything up there?”
Neither answers, and the seconds stretch. “We did,” Marcus finally says. “You first. Shouldn’t we do this in our roo?—”
“No,” Razor and I say in unison. “Bugs, remember?” he adds.
Yes, bugs.Theymight hear us.
Overwhelmed, I cover my lower face with my hands and shut my eyes, drag my fingers down my cheeks. I’m no longer sure what is to be kept secret, what people will know we know. Should I say it all to Marcus and Razor? I’m just teeming with too much of all the wrong information.