Page 43 of Playing for Keeps
Gray smirks at me.
I flip him off.
"It's nice to meet you, Laney," Kris says, stepping forward to introduce himself. He's been a little…off since finding out he has to take a turn at this Win a Date bullshit too. I guess he's anxious about it or something. I almost feel sorry for him. Until I remember Laney saw his cock.
"Hi, Kris. Um, congratulations on the win tonight. I would say it was a great game, but I didn't actually see any of it," Laney says.
"Your man got Jackson Hurst thrown out of the game. It was fan-fucking-tastic," Gray says.
"Did you fight again?" Laney asks, spinning to face me.
She slams her hands down on her hips, hitting me with a look that says she knows I'm full of shit.
"We didn't fight. He tripped over his own skate and fell." Which is true. I'm still going to knock his two front teeth out next time I see him. He has that shit coming. I don't tell Laney that though. Call me crazy, but I think she might kick my ass if I tell her that I'm planning to get into another fight.
"Truth," Theo says, backing me up.
"That's because it's hard to skate with your head up your own butt," Laney mutters.
Kris cracks a smile.
Gray's eyes light up.
"We're keeping her," Jonas says, earning a high five from Kellan and an enthusiastic agreement from Logan. A few of the other guys shout their agreement too.
"She's leaving now," I say, grabbing her hand to drag her away before I have to murder my whole team. These guys are my family…but I will absolutely tamper with their brakes if they try to flirt with my girl. She's mine.
Christ, I have to get a ring on her finger.
I'll take her out to wait with Kelsey while I shower, and then I'll take her to the hotel to make love to her, and then we can go get her ring. Maybe I should get her ring before we go to the hotel. Once she's naked, I'm not going to want her to put clothes on again.
Yes, definitely ring and then hotel.
"Nice to meet all of you!" Laney shouts as I pull her out of the locker room.
"There you are!" Kelsey says as soon as we appear. Her green eyes flash with irritation. "Jesus, Wes. Did you absolutely have to do it in the locker room bathroom?"
"We didn't do anything in the locker room bathroom."
Kelsey slams her hands down on her hips and hits me with the exact same look Laney just gave me. Women are terrifying. I swear to God, they're born knowing how to give men that look. It's a superpower or something. My mom used to give the same look to my dad.
"Her hair is all messed up and you gave her a hickey."
"Wes!" Laney cries, smacking me on the shoulder. "Ow!"
"Shit, angel." I grab her hand, checking to make sure she didn't hurt herself. The shells for the shoulder caps on our pads are hard plastic. They have to be to take the kind of hits we do. Shoulder injuries are a bitch. Her fingers are red, but they looks okay. I bring her hand to my lips to kiss it anyway.
"Stop giving me hickeys!" she whisper-shouts, scowling at me.
"You like when I give them to you," I remind her, grinning.
"Do not," she mumbles, but we both know she's lying. She definitely wasn't stopping me when she was moaning my name and wiggling all over my cock. I let her get away with lying though.
"There is a line of reporters outside." Kelsey scowls exactly like Laney, except she's less adorable and more threatening.
Jesus. Where do they learn these looks? It's Girl Scouts, isn't it? I bet it's Girl Scouts.