Page 84 of Playing for Keeps
When the last waves recede, I slump forward in his arms, my face buried in his throat. He holds me tightly, as if he intends to keep me right here forever. His heart gallops against mine, tremors still working their way through his incredible body. He runs his hands up and down my back, unable to stop himself from touching me.
I don't mind. There's nowhere else I'd rather be than right here with him. Nowhere.
Chapter Seven
"What are you thinkingso hard about?" I ask Camila, tracing my name into her golden-brown skin. She's sprawled across my bed on her stomach, her hands folded beneath her head. The Navy-blue Egyptian cotton feels rough in contrast to her soft skin, but she looks like a Goddess wrapped in it. She's sleepy and sated, like a little kitten that's all played out. Her hair is damp, wavy tendrils plastered to the side of her face from our shower.
I've never seen her look more beautiful.
I can't stop touching her. All damn evening, I've been touching her. Somehow, I managed to get us out of the hot tub and up to my bedroom a few hours ago. We've been lost in each other since, stopping to rest only when neither of us can move. Ican't get enough of her. But I'm trying to behave. I know she's probably sore at this point, even though I fucked her in the hot tub the first time. We probably shouldn't have since it's not great for you, but I figured maybe the hot water would help make it less painful for her the first time.
I think it did because we've been through three more rounds, and she hasn't complained once. In fact, she's done the opposite of complain all evening. Go me. After being celibate for so long, I was a little afraid I wouldn't last two minutes. It was a baseless fear. With her, my dick seems to perform on command. All she has to do is look at him, and he's ready to go another round.
The hot tub had another benefit I didn't expect. It stung a little at first, but my ass feels a thousand times better. I swallowed my pride and let Camila put lotion on the blisters after our shower. It ended with me eating her on the vanity, so I'm not too mad about it. I'm never going fucking camping again though, that's for damn sure.
Space camp didn't include tents and mountains and bears and poisonous leaves. We got to do cool shit. With air conditioning.
"My mama," Camila says.
I pause mid-swirl. "You're thinking about your mama?"
Maybe I didn't fuck her good enough. Should I try again?
"Yeah," she says.
"You're killing my ego here,querida."
"What? Why?"
"You're naked in my bed, thinking about your mama."
"Oh." She laughs quietly. "Would you rather me think about the fact that you seem to know an awful lot of dirty Portuguese for someone who just started learning a few days ago?"
"So tell me about your mama," I say.
She laughs again, making me smile. I fucking love that sound. It's so sweet.
"I was just thinking about what I'm going to tell her about you," she says after a moment, sobering. "One of her biggest fears is losing me to an athlete like she lost Ana. I'm worried she's not going to approve."
"Oh." Shit.
"Adrian either," she says with a soft sigh. "I want them to give you a fair chance."
"Then tell them that," I suggest, using my forefinger to sweep strands of hair away from her face. "They love you and they trust your judgement. They may not be thrilled that you're with me, but eventually they'll see that I'm not going anywhere and that I'm not like that fucker."
She sighs again.
"Do you want them to know about me, angel?"
"What?" She blinks wide eyes at me. "Of course I do, Gray. I don't want to hide you from anyone, especially not my family."
I study her expression, relaxing slightly when I see the sincerity in her eyes. The thought of her not wanting anyone to know about us is…not pleasant. I want the entire world to know she's mine. I'll give her time to get comfortable if that's what she needs, but I'm not going to hide that she's mine and I won't let her hide it either.
"I am worried though," she admits. "You have a lot of female fans. They may not take it well."
"Don't give a fuck," I mutter, tugging gently on a lock of her hair. "They'll either accept it or find someone else to support."