Page 24 of Ruthless Saint
I mirror his stance. “Well, Dante. Iwasfollowing your simple instructions. Not my fault I had nowhere to go, since, imagine that,”—I widen my eyes,—“the hotel I was staying at suddenly had no rooms available.” I gasp. “I wonder whose fault is that?”
His jaw ticks.
I continue. “And when I got to the bus station, which closes for the night, by the way. Who knew that? Definitely not the girl who’s only ever been there once.” I lift my hand in confusion. “Anyway, I get to the bus station to get out of this godforsaken town, only to discover that the last bus has long left.” I shake my head, clicking my tongue. “If only I knew someone local. Someone who could have thoughtabout itbeforethey decided to make sure I didn’t have a place to stay tonight.”
“If only,” Dante repeats. “What happened then?”
“Oh, you mean the security guard who wanted to kill me?” I smile brightly.
“Tell me exactly what happened, Alessa. Don’t leave anything out.” His tone is serious as he straightens.
For some reason, I don’t make any more jokes, choosing to follow his direction instead. “I don’t know,” I sigh. “He was creepy. Kept saying I looked familiar. Then Mel called and said she’ll get me, so I left the station and stashed my stuff next to the lamppost.” I shudder.
Dante walks around the island until he’s next to me. He moves the chair I’m on around. My back is to the countertop, and he’s right in front of me, caging me in. He’s close. So close I can smell his minty breath. But for the first time, I don’t feel threatened by this man. I can see the anger pouring off him, but for once it’s not directed at me, and I’m able to take small comfort in that. “What happened after you hid your things, Alessa?”
“He switched off the light inside so that I couldn’t see him anymore.” I swallow loudly as I watch a vein in Dante’s neck pulse.
“And then?” His mouth barely opens.
“I ran for the woods.”
A curse leaves his mouth, drawing my eyes directly to his full lips.
“There was nowhere else to hide,” I lick my lips as I watch his muscles tense. “I’m good at running. I was hoping I could outrun him before Mel showed up. So, as soon as I was certain he couldn’t see me clearly, I started circling back until I saw the headlights.”
“Did he say anything?” Dante asks.
I frown. “I guess? In the woods, he called me his little ‘caruso’, whatever that meant. And said Nicolas or Nicolos will reward him if he kills me.”
Dante pushes away from me, swearing in Italian as he grabs the closest chair and throws it across the floor with such force one of its legs breaks. “Cazzo!” he roars.
“Look—” I touch his arm. I may get my arm bitten off, but I want to let him know he can just relax.
He whips around, caging my legs between his, as he cups my face in his hands. “You stupid, stupid girl,” he whispers, but it doesn’t feel like an insult at all, as his tormented gaze darts around my face. “Why couldn’t you listen to me the first time I told you to run?” he swallows.
“I… I had my reasons to stay,” I reply, not ready to tell him the truth—that I was desperately looking for someone to call my family. “I’ll leave tomorrow.” I close my eyes, resigned.
His thumb rubs my cheek gently, and I have to fight the urge to lean into his caress. What the hell is going on? Aren’t we public enemies anymore? Fortunately, the fire in my stomach reminds me I still hate him. I lift my hands, wrapping them around his wrists and pull them away from my face. He sucks in a breath.
“No,” he says, stepping back and out of my reach, taking his heat away.
“There’s been a change of plans. You’re not leaving now.”
My jaw opens. “What?”
“You’re staying in Blackwood.”
I’m about to laugh, psychotically, because this man, with his mood swings and mind changing, is causing me to lose all my senses. I don’t, though. Instead, I hop off the chair and take a step forward, getting really pissed off. Is he for real? He spent the last few weeks making my life hell only to change his mind, and just like that, I’m supposed to stay?My hands ball into fists, and I take another step forward. He takes one back.
“Did you forget?” I seethe, my jaw clenched as I take another step forward, one he matches as he retracts. “Youmade me unemployable. There are no jobs for me in Blackwood. And there’s also the small matter of me being homeless now, too.Alsothanks to you.” I poke his chest.
“Ihave a job for you, as much as it pains me.”
I close my eyes, breathing through my nose, needing to calm myself down. The last time he got me this angry was the day we met. And just like then, I have to count down from ten before I do or say something stupid that could cost me my life. Considering Luca, his brother, owns a gun, I’m pretty sure Dante has one as well. Not that he needs it. He could probably crush me with one hand if he wanted to.
“A job?” I finally breathe out.