Page 28 of Ruthless Saint
“The three Santoro brothers are all called Saints. It has to do with their surname, I think. I’m pretty sure Santoro means born on All Saint’s Day. Or at least that’s what I’ve heard.”
“Huh. So definitely not a good guy. Anyway, tonight, or rather last night, he saw me dancing in the cage thing and saw my face. He was aaangry. Like with a capital ‘A’. You know, steam from ears and everything. I was in deep trouble. He called me to his office, and then he told me I’m fired.”
“He didwhat?”
“Yup. And get this. Not only was I fired. He’d also decided Black Royale would no longer have dancers at all. He made it sound like all the dancers were out of a job.”
Mel’s jaw drops.
“Asshole, right? Then he told me again to get lost and leave town. And when I said I wouldn’t, he said he’d like tosee me stay with no job and noroofover my head. A comment that I didn’t put together until—”
“He did not!” Mel gasps.
“He totally did! He got the hotel to kick me out. So, I went to the only place I could think of. The bus station.”
She playfully punches my arm, offended. “What about me, you whore?”
“Careful! Wine!” I take a long sip, hiding my smile. “And you kinda know what happened there. I don’t think I want to get into it again right now.”
“We can skip that part if it’s too tough, okay?” Her eyes soften. “What happened when we got to Mr—I mean, Dante’s?”
“He made me tell him everything that happened. Called me a stupid girl. Told me I should have left. Then, when I told him that I will, he said I’m not allowed to anymore.”
Mel snorts.
“I know, right? Fucking whiplash. Then he offered me a job.” I shake my head. “I told him I’ll work for him as long as he gives me a raise and re-employs all the dancers.”
“Did he?”
“Technically, yes, just not as dancers. And he already did before I even asked for it. He just made it sound like he kicked them to the curb to make me feel like shit. Dickwood move. Anyway, I made him swear they’ll get paid the same as they would if they were still dancing.”
“Uh-huh. I had your back, too.” My lips stretch into a wide grin. “I told him he has to match the servers’ pay or I will not work for him.”
“You did?”
I nod. “And he agreed.”
Mel squeals. “If I didn’t love you already, I’d love you now—full on sister wives style. What’s your new job?”
“I’m not sure. Probably a server like you or a bartender, maybe. Oh my god, but I forgot the best part, Mel!” I grab her hand theatrically. “He suggested I live withhim!”
She drops her wine glass to the floor in shock. Thankfully, it’s already empty. “I’m dead,” she says, leaning to pick it up and refill it.
“If I’m honest, I thought I was, too.”
“I gather you said ‘no’.”
“Obviously! Do you see me butt-imprintinghissofa right now?”
“Well, heishot. You never know.” She shrugs, then wags her eyebrows. “You might have wanted a bit of dick-a-dick-ah,” she singsongs the last bit like it’s from that Spice Girls song. She’s obviously crazy. And I love it.
“He’s also got anger issues and half the time, he either wants to throttle me or kill me.”
“Orsex you up.” She moves her hips back and forth, making me spit the sip I just took all over my hoodie.
“Mel!” I wipe my mouth on my sleeve.