Page 33 of Ruthless Saint
“Huh?” Maybe I got brain damage from all the excitement. “Shouldn’t I go to the bar, then?”
“Why? I don’t condone drinking on the job.”
I clear my throat, tired of trying to figure him out. “And what exactly is the job I’m not supposed to be drinking on?” I ask.
“Why,Stevie,” he says as the door behind me opens,Angelo walking in with a pair of Prada trainers in his hand, handing them to me. What the fuck? Do they have a Prada store in the basement or something? “I thought with your deduction skills you’re clearly so proud of, you’d have figured it out by now.”
Angelo stands next to me as I look between him and his brother, trying to figure out what I’m missing. “I haven’t.” I finally give up.
“You’re my new assistant,” Dante says, all proud of himself.
My jaw goes slack. The fuck?
“Ma che cazzo?2” Angelo mutters, clearly as shocked as I am.
Turns out, being an assistant to a mafia boss means doing a whole load of nothing. Dante arranges for a small desk and chair to be placed outside his office, tells me to get to work, then disappears behind his door.
I would have gladly done what he asked if only he remembered to tell me the password to log on to the laptop or at least told me what exactly he’d like me to do. But since he hasn’t done either of those things, telling me he doesn’t want to be interrupted instead, I pull out my phone and play Candy Crush before my lives run out and I decide to google how to break into a password protected laptop. I don’t find anything useful unless I want to reset the whole thing, and I’d rather not, in case it’s got something important on it. Not that I think Dante would trust me with anything important on my first day, the dick. He just shut himself in, and left me out here on my own to smile awkwardly at every Tom, Dick and Harry who passes by. So, instead of stewing in anger, I fall down the rabbit hole, reading about hacking. On a whim, I even join a couple of forums where @dirtyhackz tries to help me find a solution to my password protectedlaptop problem. I end up creating a new user account, and after hacking the internet password, I buy a couple of books on C++ and code breaking that came recommended by my new hacker friend.
I’m almost finished coding a program that makes my soul happy when the door behind me opens. I don’t turn around, choosing to enter the last two lines of code before sighing with pleasure and cracking my knuckles when a white window appears with ‘What can I help you with?’ flashing at the top.
I’m a regular Kevin Mitnick, I am.
“What are you doing?”
“Working,” I reply. Because I might technically not be doing actual work at the moment, but I’m certainly working on my programming skills before I move onto hacking, and take down his network, so he can have a taste of how it feels to be locked out of everything.
“On what?” He steps closer, leaning over my shoulder as he looks at the white box on my screen. I can feel his body heat behind me.
“Just wrote a little program I think you might find interesting,” I say innocently.
“You know how to code a program?” His breath fans my hair.
I take a deep breath, trying to calm down my racing heart. “I do now.”
He doesn’t question my response. Instead, he leans even closer. “What does it do?”
“Boy, am I glad you asked.” I smile, then type. ‘Tell me something about my new boss’ in the white box.
I hold my breath as three dots blink in and out before, finally, letters pop up under my question, forming a reply I coded to appear if that exact command is typed.
‘DanteSantoro - is a well-known douche nozzle. An heir tothe Santoro empire, he enjoys barefoot walks on morning dew-covered grass and giving his assistants laptops without the passwords to log in.
He is also known for his love of not giving instructions. He likes it if you try to figure out what it is exactly he wants you to do all by yourself, even if you have no damn clue.’
Then ‘Is there anything else?’ pops up.
I’m super aware of the stone statue next to me as he reads the words.
“Interesting,” he finally says. “Isthere anything else?”
A droplet of sweat slides down my neck as I consider my next move. It’s just a bit of fun, after all. I type ‘Tell me something everyone knows.’ Three dots appear then:
‘Everyone knows that ketchup is king.