Page 56 of Ruthless Saint
His thumb circles my clit again as his index finger teases my entrance before slipping in. Our moans meet as he shudders on top of me. I focus on the way the weight of his body feels on mine, the way his fingers ignite my skin. I focus onthe here and now and let go of my fear, letting Dante take me wherever he desires.
“Holy fuck, Alessa. You’re so tight. Jesus, I can’t—Fuck, I can’t even imagine what it’s going to feel like having this tight pussy wrapped around my cock,” he groans against my lips, the deep, rumbly baritone of his voice making me shiver with need.
Each movement of his finger against my soaked pussy, every word that leaves his mouth, lets me know I’ve made the right decision, trusting him with this part of me I have not given to anyone willingly before.
He moves his finger in and out, curling it against my inner walls, adding another when my hips start to move in rhythm with his. My body gets hotter, a burning ache building in my spine and threatening to set us both ablaze.
“Fuck, you feel so good.” He trails kisses down my neck, sucking and nibbling at it like it’s the most delicious feast, the sensation sending my senses into overdrive. I’m no longer able to think. I’m all feelings—hot frenzy and burning desire as Dante’s fingers pump into me while he keeps telling me in his deep, sexy voice how good I feel around his fingers and how wet I am for him.
“I want you so bad, Alessa,” he admits. “The minute I saw you, I wanted to fuck you. You are exactly what I should avoid,” he continues. “But can’t. You have me under a fucking spell,la mia Fata1, and I’m disintegrating, no longer able to think straight. I need your taste, Alessa,” he growls. “I’m fucking dying.Sono malato e tu sei la mia medicina.Il tuo gusto, il tuo corpo, è l’unica cosa che può riportarmi indietro da questa follia2. Please, Alessa,” he groans, nuzzling his face into my neck, “bring me back from this insanity.”
The speed of his fingers picks up as he bites my skin, marking my throat, before leaving a trail down to my breast. I crave the sting. Wanting more, wanting it harder. Histhumb rubs against my clit as he finger fucks me like it’s the only thing that will bring him peace. And when he bites my nipple hard, I scream, shattering around him, the pain and pleasure mixing in the most delicious feeling I have ever experienced.
“Look at me,” he demands when my eyelids flutter closed mid orgasm. Instantly, they snap open, meeting his chocolate eyes, full of desire and fervour. He watches me reach the crescendo, drinking in my every sound as a blush spreads across my body.
“Fucking stunning,” he croaks out, pulling his fingers out of my pussy and licking them one by one. “And delicious.”
My eyes trained on him, I try to steady my breathing, let the calm wash over me, but I can feel his swollen cock against my thigh as he leans over me, and the sudden need to have every inch of him paralyses me. The inexplicable desire to let him do with me as he pleases, see his perfect face overcome by ecstasy as he drives into me. Am I crazy, wanting the one man that should terrify me? Probably, but at the same time, this is the only man who has ever made me feel safe.
A yawn escapes my lips. The break-in, the restless night, the training that Dante put me through and the mind blowing climax finally catching up with me.
“Let’s get you to your room,Fata,” he says, pushing off me and leaving me alone on the floor. All the warm and fuzzy post orgasm feelings threaten to leave me as he stands up and surveys me, basically spread eagle on the floor. But then he smiles and leans down. “You’re a mess.” His lips tilt up once more, as he picks me up with no effort, then carries me out of the gym, through the corridor and up the stairs. The gentle rocking, his warm body and his delicious scent relaxing me enough that I let my head fall on his shoulder,and bury my face in his neck, pushing away any worries to the back of my mind.
The magnitude of what just happened can go fuck right off. I will let it swallow me whole tomorrow. After Dante makes good on his promise on seeing how his cock feels inside me.
“Is this my room?” Alessa asks on a yawn as I drop her on my bed. She makes a half-ass attempt to cover herself while I make no effort to help. Covering her breasts, albeit with my t-shirt, should be a crime. So, instead of offering assistance, like the gentleman my mother raised me to be, I turn away, grunting something noncommittal before heading to my bathroom. I need space. Space to cool down. Space to think straight without her intoxicating scent and her big green eyes muddling my senses and rendering me unable to make decisions that do not involve her being naked.
Torn between following my instincts to fuck the living daylight out of her and needing to make sure she’s taken care of, I shove my hands through my hair—much like she just did on the floor of the gym. A foreign feeling wars within, wanting to look after someone other than my brothers. Don’t get me wrong, I always take ‘care of’ the women I fuck, making sure they’re satisfied. Somehow, this is different.Alessais different.
I splash my face with icy water, then look at myself in the mirror.Man the fuck up.My wet fingers dig into the coolceramic of the double sink as cold sweat gathers at the nape of my neck. I need to face Alessa head on. Get this shit over with. Once I’ve had her, maybe this innate need to make her come will dissipate. Fuck, even that little taste of her sweet pussy on my fingers had me so on edge, I could barely stop myself from ripping her clothes off right there on the mat where anyone could have walked in.
My brow furrows as my heart speeds up in my chest. I’m oddly aroused at the thought of taking what’s mine in front of everyone. Claiming her pussy and making sure everyone can hear how hard I can make her come. The elation of ensuring no one will dare to touch her is mixed with red hot rage brimming underneath my skin. Rage at someone else seeing that tight little body of hers. Her creamy skin, flushed and covered in goosebumps from my touch. That perfectly round ass, red from the spanking I give her for always being such a brat.
My cock strains against the thin material of my sweatpants once again. At this rate, I’ll need to haul an ice freezer upstairs and just have my balls take up residence in it whenever I think of Alessa. Which, with the way she came on my fingers, makes me think might be a lot.
But she’s not mine. Not mine to pleasure and definitely not mine to keep. I need to—
My eyes snap up to the mirror as they meet her tentative expression. Her long fingers are white with the force she’s holding onto the door. Like it’s the only thing keeping her up. At once I want to go to her, pick her up and take her back to bed. But I stay where I am. Not moving a muscle. Just watching her, waiting for her next move. I wish I could pretend I was strong enough to deny her if she were to drop to her knees and offer to suck my dick on the tiled floor ofthe bathroom, but now she’s in my space, her cheeks still red from the orgasm I’ve just given her…Well, I’m only human.
“Dante?” She bites her bottom lip this time. Reminding me of the way she bit it when my fingers were inside her. Fuck, I need to nip this in the bud or I’ll go insane from constantly thinking of her.
“What is it,Miss Jones?” I grit out, using her last name as a way to put up a barrier between us. Hoping to distance myself from her. It’s this, or I’ll lose the last shred of control and fuck her into oblivion. The simple taste I’ve had is proof enough. One instance won’t be enough. She’s in my home, my clothes, my fucking bedroom. My scent is all over her and the predator in me won’t be satisfied until she’s been ruined by my hand. My tongue. My cock.
Yet by the dim light of the bedside lamp glowing behind her, I see her face crumple. How the wall I’m building confuses and humiliates her. A sigh rocks through my chest as I scrub a hand through my hair again and shuffle her aside.
There’s no whimper, no sobbing. No. Alessa is fucking strong. No matter how hard life hits her, she hits back. I could see that the minute she opened her mouth.
I could see that in the way she fought back every step of the way. I could see that today, when even exhausted, she gave everything as I was teaching her how to protect herself. And damn it, I find it admirable.
An unease starts in my chest, words she spoke niggling in my unconscious mind, but I push them aside for now.