Page 75 of Ruthless Saint
When I wake up, it’s bright, and I’m still alone in Dante’s bed. Wearing nothing but the red bathrobe, which undid itself at some point in the night. The spot next to me is cold, but the smell of fresh pine and citrus is strong on his pillow. Did Dante sleep next to me but left before I awoke? Were hisarms wrapped around me? I try not to imagine him cuddling up to me during the night because I know better. Dante Santoro is not a cuddling sort of man. He’s cold, demanding and ruthless.
So how come when he’s near, I feel safe and warm?
The guest bedroom is dark when I walk in, so I open all the curtains before heading into the attached bathroom to take a quick shower. Once sparkling clean, I mull over my choice of what to wear today. Despite what we shared last night and my hesitance after finding out his aversion to blood, which may be fuelling his dislike of the colour red, I still go with my initial plan, putting on a red bikini and a red wrap-around dress on top of it. Operation ‘Find the truth’ begins now.
Barefoot, I tip-toe downstairs and into the kitchen, stopping by where the shattered glass panel should be. I have no clue if Santoros have house elves or magical skills, but there’s a fresh pane of glass where there was a Dante-shaped hole in the window.
With a shrug, I keep walking until I’m in the kitchen, rifling through the shelves in search of something sugary for breakfast. Apparently, shark week is upon us. What kind of monster would I be to deny my body sacred nutrients that keep womankind tolerable during those turbulent times?
“Good morning.”
I squeal-jump, turning around to face Fred and Lorenzo standing on the other side of the kitchen island. A half-eaten chocolate bar is hanging out of my mouth as I take them in, in all their suited glory.
“Morning,” I grumble, my mouth still otherwise occupied. “Coffee?”
They both nod, exchanging glances. I turn my back to them, pulling three cups and press way too many buttons onthe complicated coffee machine, making it hiss and grumble in return.
Lorenzo sidles up to me and thankfully takes over as I growl, plopping my face on the cool marble of the kitchen counter.
“Rough night?” Fred asks, coming to my other side. I shrug my shoulders, not ready to speak full sentences yet, as a steaming cup of coffee lands in front of my forehead. Just the glorious smell has me perking up enough to smile in gratitude.
“Thank you,” I sigh before inhaling the hot drink in four long gulps. “Hit me.” I place the cup next to the coffee machine expectantly. Lorenzo bursts into laughter as Fred spins me around to face him.
“We’ve got something for you.”
“Me?” My lips turn up, excitement making my heart speed up. “Really?”
“Yes, you.” He lifts his hand, palm up, drawing my attention to a small object atop it. Curious, I step closer, reaching out to take the stone he’s holding in his hand and examining it. “It’s nothing special. But we were patrolling this morning, and Lorenzo spotted the red stone, and with all the red stuff delivered yesterday, we instantly thought of you and—” The words tumble out of his mouth at warp speed as my mouth stretches into a huge grin.
“You got me a stone?”
“It’s stupid.”
“It’s a gift?”
“You know what? Just give it back. We’ll chuck it.”
I pull my hand to my chest. “Don’t you dare! I love it!”
“You do?” Fredster’s eyes look hopeful. “It’s just you said you never get gifts and the boys and I…”
“You got me a gift.” I throw my arms around him, placing a kiss on his cheek. “It’s perfect, thank you.”
“And you.” I turn to Lorenzo. “Don’t think I didn’t hear you spotted this beauty.” I skip over to him, smacking a loud kiss on his cheek and making him chuckle.
“Next time, it’ll be something better, not a stupid stone. It’s just we haven’t left since yesterday and—”
“Stop it, you goof!” I exclaim, throwing my arms around him. “It’s absolutely perfect, thank you.”
A throat clears behind me. It’s an angry sounding kind of throat clear. One that sends shivers up and down my spine and makes my thighs clench. I slowly peel myself away from Lorenzo and turn to face the music.
Or the angel of darkness. One and the same, really. Especially since he’s wearing yet another tailored-to-perfection suit and a pissed-off expression to match. His neck is red, a vein pulsing underneath his ear, fists clenched tightly.
“Good morning.” I take a step forward as Dante’s eyes roam over my body. A slow perusal that starts at my toes and ends with a piercing stare right into my soul. Everything else disappears as he takes a step forward and reaches for the bow on my dress.
“Leave,” he growls, his other hand landing on my hip.
I can’t look away from him, but just because I’m under some sort of a spell doesn’t mean I can’t sass. “Don’t worry about him. He’s just grumpy because he didn’t getanylast night.” Not that I wasn’t going to offer. He just left before I had a chance to reciprocate, but no one needs to know that detail.