Page 17 of Craving Morgan
“Pardon me for a moment,” Morgan excused herself to the bathroom.She sat on the toilet and debated what to do about Simon.His questions seemed off-putting.
She should do some research on this guy.Besides an internet search, she didn’t know how to go about it.Jameson would know, but she didn’t want to bother him with it.She wanted to distance herself from him, not ask him for help.
Morgan retook her seat.Her scotch glass was empty on Simon’s side of the table, and a new glass of scotch was placed in front of her.She looked up at Simon questioningly.She hadn’t asked for another drink nor did she want one.
“You hadn’t drank yours, and I didn’t want it to go to waste.I ordered you the scotch I’m drinking.I hope you don’t mind.”
She did actually.“Thank you.”
Their food arrived a moment later, and conversation dwindled after that.Morgan didn’t touch her drink.She wasn’t much of a drinker, and she still had to drive home.Plus the bitter after-taste of her sip of scotch was still on her tongue.Morgan wanted to keep her wits about her.Simon didn’t seem to notice her still full glass.He’d finished his third one halfway through the meal.
“I should get going.I have a lot of work to get started on,” she said after she finished her meal.
“Stay, have another drink with me.” He didn’t seem drunk, but appearances could be deceiving.
“I really should get going,” she insisted.“Thank you for dinner and the conversation.”
Simon looked sad about that, but she wasn’t going to cave.“Then at least allow me to drive you home,” Simon offered.Yeah, she was not getting into a car with someone who had been drinking.It didn’t matter if it was one or more.Regardless, it wasn’t a risk she was willing to take.Nor did she want him to know where she lived.
“It’s alright.It’s not that far.”
“Please, it’s dark, and I would never forgive myself if something happened to you.”
He was just trying to be gentlemanly, but she didn’t like it.Morgan didn’t need any man taking care of her.She was more than capable of looking after herself.“I can take care of myself.You should take a cab home.The police here don’t take kindly to drinking and driving.” It was one of Jameson’s biggest pet peeves.“Good night, Simon.”
“Good night, Morgan.” She slid from her seat and left, ready to go home and forget this weird meeting.Simon was nice, if not lonely, but she didn’t want to give him the wrong impression that she might be interested in more.There were also the questions about Brooklyn and where she lived that were setting her on edge.
Until she knew more, she wanted to be on her guard.
Chapter 10
Jameson drummed his fingers on the dash of his car parked across the street from Morgan’s apartment.She hadn’t been at work when he showed up, and she wasn’t at home.He had tried calling her, but she didn’t answer.
Jameson tried not to read too much into it, but Lawry’s death and the evidence break-in had him on edge.The coroner had gotten back to him only an hour ago and told him there were traces of a drug in Lawry’s system that forced the heart attack.Before that, the coroner had informed him the arteries were clean.Jameson suspected foul play.The missing footage on the security system and the evidence break-in wasn’t a coincidence.
Jameson had told the coroner to do a blood check and voila.His instincts were hardly ever wrong.That didn’t mean Morgan was in any less danger.
Lawry had been the one to kidnap her.She was a witness.It was hard to protect her though when he couldn’t find her.
He’d knocked on her door, but she hadn’t answered.Jameson had checked with her nosy neighbor, Mrs.Donovan, but she hadn’t seen Morgan all day.
He debated letting himself into her apartment just to be sure, but he felt that was going a bit too far.When he’d checked at her office, she had been there, but Jessica had been tight-lipped about her whereabouts when he’d asked.
He didn’t know if that was because she had been ordered by Morgan to be obtuse with him or if she was just protective of Morgan.While he could appreciate it, it made it difficult to keep her alive and safe.At least he knew she had been fine up until a short while ago.
So here he was parked in front of her apartment building waiting for her to come home.Her car had been missing from the lot in the back.She didn’t like to have to drive unless it was too far away for her to walk.
She wasn’t with Brooklyn.She’d departed long before Morgan had left work, and Brooklyn wouldn’t tell her where she was.
All he could do now was wait.
He checked his watch.Morgan left work almost two hours ago.There were endless possibilities of where she could be at.He needed to relax.Morgan was fine.Jameson didn’t want to think about something possibly happening to her again.
He scanned the sidewalk from one end of the block to the other, and there she was.Jameson was out of the car and halfway across the street when he realized he had forgotten something.He ran back to his car and was heading back when he saw someone running down the street heading right for Morgan.
It looked like a man based on their build and shape.They wore a grey hoodie pulled over their head and black jogging pants.
Morgan didn’t seem to notice them.She was digging in her purse for something.Jameson dropped down to one knee and acted like he was tying his shoe when he pulled his knife out from his boot.He wasn’t about to pull a gun on a public street.The last thing he needed was to end up on the news for shooting a jogger because he was being paranoid.