Page 2 of Craving Morgan
Well, she wasn’t going to stand here all night in her doorway.“You can leave now.”
“Not just yet,” He stood on the threshold, his eyes scanning every nook and cranny he could see from where he was standing.
“What do you want now?” She couldn’t keep the exasperation out of her voice.It had been a long day and all she wanted to do was put her feet up, pour a glass of wine, and pass out.She didn’t have the energy to deal with her ex right now.
“May I come in?”
“No,” she replied firmly.She refused to let him step one foot inside her house.
“Morg, please.” He dropped the cop tone and sounded more pleading.
His ‘please’ got her attention.Jameson never asked.Jameson never begged.She wouldn’t let it sway her though.She had to keep her heart as hard as granite when it came to
him.Give him an inch and he’ll take a mile.
“Please what?”
“I’m trying here.” His tone turned more sorrowful.
“Trying what, my patience?Well, congratulations, you succeeded.” She smiled sweetly at him, not buying his good cop attitude.He was just doing it to get his way, and she wasn’t going to let him.
“I want us to be civil.”
Morgan rolled her eyes.They hadn’t spoken to each other in a year.After one week of a conversation, he thought they could just…what, start over as if nothing happened?So not happening.She needed to nip this in the bud quickly.“We’re broken up.We don’t have to be anything.In fact, I insist we go back to the way things were before Brooklyn’s hiding out.”
She preferred them not speaking or seeing each other.Life had been perfect.There was no reason to change that now.
“I thought we were making headway between us.” He cocked his head as his eyes searched her face.“You sent Brooklyn to me.That must mean something.We’ve spoken more in the past week than we have in a year.” He took a step closer to her.The tantalizing scent of his body wash teased her nose.It was spicy and all male.She used to love laying draped over his chest after they made love and just breathe in his scent.“I know there’s something still between us, Morg.” He looked down at her with those sad puppy dog eyes.The crystalline blue trying to pull her into their depths.Never again.
Morgan stepped back further into her apartment, her hand resting on the edge of the door ready to slam it in his face.“That’s where you’re wrong.Look, I appreciate you helping me out, though I didn’t need it.” She felt the necessity to add the last part.Her bindings had already been off when Jameson had come for her.She had been about to escape when he’d swooped in acting like he’d saved the day.“I don’t need a knight in shining armor to come to my rescue.” She was more than capable of rescuing herself as she’d proved today.
Jameson reared back as if slapped.“I know that.”
“Good.You saw that I’m fine.Your duty is done.” She spat out the word duty as if it were poison.To her it was.Jameson’s life was dedicated to the force.And where had that left her?Forgotten.Too many mornings she’d woken up and he still wasn’t home.Too many missed dinners because he was working a case.He’d forgotten her birthday.She’d finally gotten tired of waiting around for him.It had taken him several days to realize she’d moved her few things from his apartment back home.
He’d called once, but she’d never called him back, and he never tried to get in touch with her again.The only reason he’d talked to her so much recently was because she’d sent Brooklyn to him for help.Because of her, Morgan had gotten kidnapped—not that she blamed Brooklyn for that.It was Lawry’s fault that happened to use her as collateral to get Brooklyn to come out of hiding.Jameson felt it was his duty to watch over her now.An obligation.
She wanted nothing to do with that.
“It’s not duty why I’m here.I thought we could be friends.” He spread his hands wide and shrugged his shoulders as if it were a suggestion.
Friends?With her ex?Yeah, and in what world did that ever work out?Even if it did, she didn’t want to be his friend.“I have all the friends I need.”
“You have one, Brooklyn.”
“That’s all I need.” And all she wanted.
“What about when she moves in with Drake?Or they spend more time elsewhere and less time here.How about when they start having kids?You don’t want to be the third wheel forever.”
No, but she didn’t have to admit that to him.He wasn’t telling her anything she didn’t already know.Brooklyn would start to drift away from her.It was only natural.Drake was the
forever kind of guy, but that didn’t mean she would disappear from Morgan’s life.
“Brooklyn would never abandon me, unlike some.” Morgan took another step back and closed the door.Jameson didn’t try and stop her this time.She rested her head against the door feeling her shoulders slump.The weight of the past few days caught up with her.She sank to her knees and gave into the turmoil that had been plaguing her.
She’d had to be strong the past few days to keep her wits about her.Now she was home.Safe.The barrier could come down, just for a few moments.
Hot salty tears streamed down her face.She worried Jameson still stood on the other side of the door and didn’t want him to witness her weakness, so she covered her mouth to stifle her cries as she purged her pain, fear, and sadness from her body.