Page 23 of Craving Morgan
“No thanks.” She walked around him to head toward her car, but he kept in step.“I told you no thanks.”
“I’m not walking you.I am walking and just happen to be doing it next to you,” he responded, tucking his hands in his front jeans pockets.
“You are…” She tried to think of the right word.
“Charismatic,” he supplied for her.
“A pain.You’re not giving up this getting reacquainted thing, are you?” He had already said as much, but she was struggling with this almost-desperation act for them to get back together.Why get back together just to abandon her again?What was the point?
“Yes,” he looked down at her eagerly, “Are you finally agreeing?”
“Will you stop parking outside of my building if I agree to go out with you?” she asked instead.
“Why are you parking outside my house anyway?”
“I want to be close to you.”
She wasn’t buying it.“There’s a reason.You’re just not telling me.” He was a cop through and through.More like a magician.Smoke and mirrors to keep her distracted from what he was really doing.
He may say he wanted to get back together, but hanging out outside of her house and walking her home at night wasn’t normal for him.Even when they’d been together, he’d never walked her home.
“Your place was the only place that ever felt like home.I’ve barely been in mine since you left me.”
“You were barely in there when we were together too.You spent most of the time at work,” she needlessly reminded him.
Jameson sighed heavily.She knew she sounded like a broken record, but it was true.He may not remember all the hours he spent there, but she sure did.“You’re right.My only excuse was that I was trying to prove myself.Make a name for myself.”
“And you succeeded.Congratulations.I hope it was worth it.” She couldn’t keep the hurt out of her voice, nor did she try to.She wasn’t the placating girlfriend anymore, his cheerleader in his corner and didn’t want to cause more stress.Morgan didn’t care anymore.All the things she used to keep buried deep inside were now free to spill out any time she pleased.
Jameson didn’t have a ready response, not that she was expecting one.She got in her car and backed out, not looking at him.She needed to stay focused on her job and not the man standing next to her looking at her as if she’d just crushed his heart.
It was only fair.He’d destroyed hers first.
Chapter 14
Morgan was exhausted by the time she made it back to the office.It had been a long day of showings, but two of her clients had found their next homes, so all in all it was a success.Now she could focus more of her time on Simon Valentine’s property hunt.
She didn’t know why he wanted a property so far north and isolated.Especially for a man who didn’t like nature, but it wasn’t her place to question her client.More importantly one willing to spend two million dollars on the thing.
Morgan hadn’t spoken to Simon since their awkward dinner.It wasn’t uncommon to go a little while without talking to her clients, but she felt she needed to assure him that she was working on his request even if he made her feel uncomfortable.She was a professional.
“Oh my god, Morgan,” Jessica gushed when she came through the door.
“What?What is it?”
“Go see your office.” Jessica was practically bubbling with excitement.Morgan didn’t share the sentiment.She didn’t like surprises.
Morgan warily walked down the hall, worried about what she would find.She could smell them before she saw them.Bouquets upon bouquets of flowers of all assorted colors and species were spread throughout her office.It smelled like a hot house.
“Isn’t it romantic?” Jessica asked giddily behind her.Morgan could hear her bouncing from foot to foot with excitement.
Not really, no.The mixture of strong aromas were already giving her a headache.Her sense was smell was sensitive to powerful scents.“Who sent them?” She turned to face Jessica.
“The delivery man didn’t offer a name, but I’m sure there’s a card in here somewhere.” Jessica stepped past her to look through the different bundles of flowers and pulled out a card.“Here we are.”
Jessica handed her the small purple envelope.Morgan opened it and scanned the card.