Page 25 of Craving Morgan
Morgan didn’t want to get into it with him now.Her eyes darted around, noting they still had the attention of everyone on the floor.Before she hadn’t cared they’d had an audience, but now she didn’t want everyone hearing their conversation.
Morgan never should have come here or at least had the grace to talk privately like Jameson suggested.Too late now.“I made a mistake.I have to go.” She whirled around and left.
“Morgan, wait,” he called after her, but she was already halfway to the elevator.She was mortified by her behavior.Her only excuse was that she was trying to put more of a wedge between her and Jameson.A proverbial nail in the coffin.Morgan had wanted it to be him so she could use it as more ammunition to push him away.She was looking for any reason to hate him still, because if she didn’t, that meant she still cared about him.Which meant he could hurt her all over again.
Morgan wanted what Brooklyn and Drake had.She had had that.And it had been fucking amazing, while it lasted.She wanted that again.That all-consuming feeling of love and being loved.She’d only felt that with Jameson.But if she allowed herself to forgive and let him in, to give him another chance, would he use it to change like he said he could, or would she just be bound to repeat history?
Chapter 15
When Morgan returned to the office, Jessica informed her that Simon had called to make sure she had received the flowers.
If only the man had put his damn name on the note, she wouldn’t have made an ass out of herself at Jameson’s work.She was sure a few people thought she was crazy now.She didn’t care.It wasn’t like she was going to see them again.
She had gotten little accomplished throughout the rest of the day.Her mind was in turmoil over her accusations of Jameson.She’d unleashed a year’s worth of pent-up anger on him.It had been unfair and uncalled for.
Morgan had conveniently placed all the blame on him.That he hadn’t put her needs first, but men could be obtuse.How could they know to fix something if they didn’t know it was broken?They weren’t mind readers.
She was just as much to blame for their relationship failing.She shouldn’t have always been so agreeable.She should have told him she didn’t like him working such long hours.Morgan had stayed silent when she should have said something.
The only excuse she had was that he was so happy and proud when he closed a case.She was proud of him too.When he was gone more, it hurt, but she hadn’t wanted to become that nagging girlfriend who was always wondering where he was and when he was coming back.So she just smiled and nodded.Happy when he was home and miserable when he was gone.
For the past few days, she’d pushed him away, fearing a repeat of history.That if they got back together, he’d put his career first, that she would be the trophy girlfriend.Maybe people could change.She had since she’d left him.
What was the old saying?You don’t appreciate something until it’s gone.So what did that mean for her?For them?Was she willing to give him a chance?
And Jameson.Was he finally washing his hands of her too?Had she pushed him away far enough?Or would he be there when she got home, set up to sit outside her building and watch her?He had told her he wasn’t giving up this time, but that had been before she’d harassed him at his workplace.Told him another man had sent her flowers.
Maybe now he would have the good grace to back off and leave her be.Which was what she had wanted from the beginning.
“Morgan, are you alright?” Jessica asked, coming into her office.It was dark now.Morgan had been in a fog and had lost track of time.It was time for the office to close and for Jessica to leave.She stood in the doorway with her purse slung over her shoulder and coat resting on her forearm.
“Do you want to talk about it?”
“I made a mistake.”
“With what?” Jessica inquired, looking puzzled.Jessica didn’t know her whole past with Jameson.Not like Brooklyn.Jessica was an employee, and Morgan for the most part treated her that way.She didn’t need to dump her emotional problems on her employee.
“Sorry, I’m talking out loud.” She shook her head and pasted a fake smile on her face.“I’ll be fine.It’s nothing I can’t fix.Have a good night, Jessica.”
Jessica didn’t leave right away.“Morgan, I’m worried about you.You aren’t yourself.” She stepped further into the room, looking around nervously which only made Morgan nervous.Where was this conversation going?“You haven’t been the same since your extended vacation.” Jessica took a step closer to her.“Did you have a falling out with your brother?Or a fight?I’ll listen if you need to talk.”
Morgan’s smile turned genuine.Jessica was a good person, and it was sweet of her to offer although unnecessary.“Jessica, I’m fine.There’s no problem with my family.”
“You know what fine stands for?Freaked out, insecure—”
“I know the quote, but I’m good.Honestly, I just have a lot on my mind.Work and personal, and they are just spilling into each other.”
“It’s your ex then.” It wasn’t a question.Jessica knew of Jameson.She’d never met him because he’d never come to her office.Morgan had talked about him a lot when they were together.Jessica had heard Morgan curse him a lot since they’d broken up.
“Jessica, I don’t want to talk about it,” Morgan responded evenly but no less forcefully.Letting Jessica know the conversation was done.
Jessica looked down at her feet.“Sorry, okay.I’ll see you Monday.”
Oh yeah, it was Friday.The week had flown by.“I’ll see you Monday.”
Morgan followed shortly behind her.There was no point staying.She could do her research for Simon’s property search from home.Jessica had already gotten a head start for her while she’d finished up with her other clients.