Page 38 of Craving Morgan
Drake had rebuilt the place.He heard Brooklyn was helping with projects too.It was a perfect size for two people, but there was plenty of space to enlarge the cabin for a growing family.
Grandma hadn’t liked its remoteness, so Grandpa spent time alone up there when he needed to get away from things.
“Why is your client looking there in particular?”
“He didn’t say.” She shrugged.“He just told me that’s where he’s looking for a place, but I’m going to have to expand my search into other property locations.” She grimaced.“While still remote but not focused on one section of the state.I just hope Simon will be okay with that.One thing I’ve learned about buyers is that their expectations and realities don’t always mesh.So I’m compiling a list of similar properties.”
Jameson looked at the price listings of properties her client was looking at.Two million dollars?What kind of person was looking for a place where his brother lived for that kind of money?
“When did you meet this client?” he asked, keeping his tone flat and casual while the red flags in his head were waving like signaling a raging bull.
“Beginning of last week.” Right when Lawry had been killed.Coincidence?He didn’t believe in them.
“You said it’s a hunting property?”
“Yeah, but he wants something he can use as an investment property as well.”
“Did he say what kind of hunting he was interested in?”
Jameson didn’t believe in chance.The timing and looking for a property where Drake lived was too much of a coincidence.Either her client was the assassin or worked with him.Though if he was the assassin, why wait all week to kill her?Why make her look into properties?Unless he was using her research to find who already owned properties in Phillips County to find Drake.
But again, why?Lawry would have already known where Drake lived and how to get there.Lawry would have told the assassin before he was killed where the property was.Drake didn’t have any close neighbors.The cabin sat on a hundred acres.“Can you tell me who your client is?” He wouldn’t push her.If he had to break rules and go through illegal channels so she didn’t break client confidentiality, he would.
Morgan’s eyes widened in shock.Jameson had never taken much interest in Morgan’s clients before.He’d never asked for their names.“You think he’s involved with what happened to Brooklyn?”
The fact she asked him meant she had her suspicions too.“Why?Do you?” he questioned instead of giving something away.
Morgan nibbled on her lip looking back down at the map.“I’ve wondered, but I thought I was reading too much into it.”
“Like what?” He kept up the casual conversation when he really wanted to demand answers.Demanding wouldn’t get him anywhere, not with Morgan.She was more likely to clam up than tell him if he pressed her too hard.He had to do this delicately but also not give too much away.
“He asked a lot of questions about Brooklyn and our friendship.He said he wanted to be my friend and meet her.”
Fuck.That wasn’t good at all.
“Maybe he’s just overly friendly,” he suggested, though he doubted it.
“I’ll say,” she mumbled under her breath.“At dinner, he told me he doesn’t have many friends.He thought it was special the relationship Brooklyn and I have.”
“You do have a special friendship.” The guy was playing on Morgan’s sympathy.Learned that Brooklyn was her only friend and said he didn’t have any so she’d feel sorry for him.“Are you planning on introducing him to her?”
“No,” she denied instantly.“It just felt weird.”
“Does this new friend have a name?”
“His name is Simon Valentine.”
Now he had a name to check out.“What do you say we go get some breakfast?”
“Hmm, no more hiding out in my apartment?” she asked with a raised eyebrow.
“I haven’t heard you complain,” he teased, kissing her soundly on the lips.
“It would be nice to get out, though I still have a lot of work to do.”
“We’re out of food, and breakfast won’t take more than an hour.”