Page 44 of Craving Morgan
“Yes,” he admitted.“I expected you to warn from off from her for the rest of her life and that you would make my life miserable if I even looked in her direction again.”
“If I didn’t know you loved her, believe me, I would.I’m still angry at you, but I know we all make mistakes.”
“I don’t think I can fix this one.” An apology and wearing down her defenses wouldn’t work a second time.“I had lots of opportunities to tell her the truth, and I didn’t.”
“Give her time.Morgan loves you, she’s just upset right now.”
“Time I can give her, but I need to catch this guy before I lose her.” And not just in a relationship but with her death.
“I’ll look at the text when I hang up with you and let you know.”
Chapter 24
Morgan shouldn’t be hurt that Jameson’s Jeep wasn’t in front of her apartment the next morning.After all, she had been the one to send him away.The few times she’d peeked out the window yesterday, she had seen a patrol car but no sign of Jameson.Not even a text of apology.
Fine, whatever.She didn’t need him.She was better off without a liar in her life.
Brooklyn had called her last night and apologized again profusely.Morgan had been hurt her friend withheld information from her as well, but she forgave her.Morgan knew she couldn’t stay mad at Brooklyn.
Though it would have been better to have a shoulder to cry on while she drank white wine and ate ice cream.She’d had to settle for doing it over the phone.
Monday morning, Morgan shook off her melancholy and walked to work.She had finished her research for Simon and was ready to present it.
Morgan hadn’t forgotten a man was trying to kill her.Her eyes scanned up and down the sidewalk as she went.She knew she could have taken her car, but she shuddered thinking about what had happened the last time she was in that parking lot.
Jameson wouldn’t be there this time to come to her rescue.Her hand clutched her purse strap with a death grip, her other hand resting on the top of the bag, ready to grab her mace.She hated being so fearful walking down the street she’d never had a fear of before.
The sooner Jameson caught this guy, the better.Morgan didn’t breathe in relief until she walked through the doors of her building.“Jessica, please call Mr.Valentine and arrange a meeting.”
Morgan stopped in her tracks at Jessica’s hesitancy.“What is it?”
“He’s already here.He’s in your office.” Jessica tilted her head in the direction of Morgan’s office.
“What?How long has he been here?” The office had just opened, why hadn’t someone called her to tell her he’d been waiting a while?
“Only a few minutes,” Jessica quickly assured her.“I brought him some coffee while he waited.”
“Why didn’t you call me and tell me he was here?” No one ever told her what was going on.Not her friend, her ex, or even her secretary.It was getting really annoying always being the last to know everything.
Jessica’s eyes widened in fear as if she thought her job was on the line.“You always show up at this time, and he’s only been waiting a few minutes.I figured there was no point bugging you since you were already on your way in.”
“In the future, a heads up will be nice,” Morgan said evenly, trying to keep calm.It wasn’t Jessica’s fault she was so on edge right now.
“Yes, ma’am.” Jessica looked chastened.
“How did Mr.Valentine look?”
“Ma’am?” Jessica looked up at her in confusion.
“Did he seem upset or in good spirits?” Morgan wanted to know what she was walking into.Was he going to fire her or talk to her about what happened?
“He looked concerned, I guess.” Jessica shrugged as if she didn’t know what kind of answer Morgan was looking for.
That wasn’t good.“Thank you.Will you bring in my coffee and some baked goods?”