Page 49 of Craving Morgan
“Banner made some powerful enemies.I guess the Valentines are a super-rich family from California.Jeffrey, the head of the family, has ties with mafia groups all over the world.On the surface, he looks like a corporate man, but no one could ever tie him to any crimes.Banner’s evidence was the key.”
“Jameson said it was in code?”
Brooklyn nodded her head.“Yeah, he was always making shorthand notes.No one could read it but me.” Brooklyn beamed.Her friend had saved the day.“When I told Jameson the name, he wigged out.Now it makes sense since you’ve been working with Simon Valentine, the son.”
“I do feel bad for him.” Simon had told her he was just trying to prove himself.Even Shaw made mention of what a disappointment he’d turned out to be.Maybe Simon wasn’t as corrupt as the rest of them.
Brooklyn reared back and looked at her as if she’d grown a second head.“You would be the last person I would’ve ever guessed would feel sorry for a criminal.”
“I don’t think his heart was really in it.I think he was forced into that life.” A product of his environment if you will.
“That doesn’t make it right.He still had plans to kill you had you known anything about the case.”
True.“I don’t think we need to worry about him though.I won’t be seeing him again.” After his wounds were treated, he would most likely go to jail.“No, I think we’ve seen the last of the Valentine family.” Morgan looped her arm through Brooklyn’s and guided them toward the exit.“So now that you’re a free woman, what are you going to do?”
“Find a job for one thing.I just haven’t figured out where we’re going to live yet.I know Drake doesn’t like the city life, and I can’t live in complete isolation the rest of my life.”
Morgan knew this was the beginning of their lives changing.Brooklyn would spend more time with Drake than her.“Whatever you decide, I’ll support you.”
Brooklyn’s shoulders sagged as if she had been worried about Morgan’s acceptance of Drake occupying more of her time.“Thank you.The same goes for Jameson.”
“What about him?”
Brooklyn stopped them just outside the doors.She looked at Morgan, a wealth of emotions on her face that Morgan couldn’t decipher.“I know you’re angry at him, but I also know you love him.While I don’t agree with him withholding information and using your relationship as a cover to protect you, I know he regrets that decision.”
“Ready to go?” Drake asked coming up to them.He wrapped an arm around Brooklyn’s waist, and she released Morgan and leaned into him for support.Morgan realized she wanted that.Someone to lean on for support.Actually, she already did, if she was willing to forgive him.
“Morgan?” Brooklyn asked, letting her make the decision.
“Yeah, I’m going to head home.” Morgan hiked her thumb over her shoulder, ready to leave.She needed time to think.
“Want us to take you?” Drake offered.
“I’d like to take you if that’s alright,” Jameson said coming up to them.
Brooklyn looked at Morgan for confirmation.If she said no, Brooklyn would take her without question, but Morgan couldn’t avoid him forever.He would insist on ensuring she was alright.She might as well get it over with.He could take her home, and they could be done with it.She nodded, and Brooklyn relaxed.“Call me later.”
“I will.”
“Ready?” Jameson asked her.She noticed he kept some space between them as if maintaining a professional distance.She had hugged him earlier, but that had been because he’d saved her life.Now the danger was over, and his lies and deceit loomed over them like a dark cloud.
Morgan nodded and let Jameson guide her to his car, bracing herself for the talk to come.
Chapter 27
Jameson tried to think of something to fill the void of silence in the car, but he was drawing a blank.He knew he had messed up with Morgan and wanted to fix it.He just didn’t know how.‘I’m sorry’ seemed like an easy way out, and Morgan wouldn’t believe him.
He liked to think her text alerting him that she was in danger was a sign of forgiveness, but she hadn’t spoken to him since Jennings had questioned her.She hadn’t even looked at him.Morgan was letting him escort her home, so at least she was giving him a chance to grovel.
His boss had asked him to stay behind and work the scene, but Jameson declined.Jennings was more than capable of closing the case.Jameson had even told him he was going to be taking on less cases going forward.He was tired of living his life at work.His boss hadn’t been happy but had known it was only a matter of time.
Jameson pulled up to the curb and parked.He was having a sense of déjà vu from last week when he’d dropped Morgan off at her apartment.Crazy to think how much had and hadn’t changed in that week.They’d gotten back together, and now they were almost back to where they’d started.
“Thanks for the ride,” Morgan mumbled and started to get out.
“I’d like to walk you up,” he rushed out and waited for her response.Morgan nodded, and Jameson followed her upstairs.
They stood awkwardly at her door.Morgan opened her door but wasn’t inviting him in.She also wasn’t sending him packing.It was time to lay it all on the line.If she shut that door, he had a feeling it would never open for him again.He couldn’t waste this chance.