Page 27 of Reaper
"Go on, honey, go clean up. I'll make the call."
She gets to her feet. Her movements seem to be at ease. I'm watching her carefully. The fear she has is still present but it doesn't seem to be overwhelming as it once was. She walks around the table and presses a kiss to my lips. It's sweet and soft. I slide my hand around her waist and pull her onto my lap, slanting my lips against hers and deepening the kiss.
She moans against me as our tongues touch. I fucking love how responsive she is. When I pull back, she's breathless, her eyes half-mast as she smiles.
"Thank you for being here." She slides off my lap and walks away, leaving me with a raging hard-on.
She's so fucking sweet. There's no way I'm walking away from her. Preach and Storm were right. I want to claim her. But we've both got a fuck of a lot to get through before that can happen.
I reach for my cell. It's time to call in reinforcements. I want that bastard Harry to stay the fuck away from my woman. I have a feeling that his father is going to be a problem.
The rumble of pipes tells me that my brothers are here. I glance at Esme, who's sitting at the kitchen table, nibbling on her bottom lip. My plans for this evening have gone out the window. Instead, I'm trying to calm her ass down. She's worried about what's going to happen. She thinks one of us could end up in prison. Which has reminded me that I need to have a discussion with her about where I've spent four of the last five years. I'm just fucking hoping that it's not a deal breaker.
"Your brothers are here," she tells me as she drums her fingers against the table.
I rise from the sofa, bottle of beer in my hand, and move toward her. "You need to calm down, honey. You're going to give yourself a fuckin' aneurysm with the way you're goin'."
She narrows her eyes at me. "What do you expect me to do?"
"Relax, know that we've got this. That fuckhead has done more than enough to you. He's not getting a chance to do anything else."
She chuckles, and I know that she's going to be okay. It's going to take a while to get her to a place where she's not scared about what that cunt has in store for her, especially when she's had eight fucking years of his bullshit to heal from. But she'll realize soon enough that she's not alone and that bastard can't and won't get to her.
The front door opens and in barrels Serenity, Shadow, Effiemia, Mayhem, Preacher, Tyson, Storm, and Ace.
"You're okay?" Serenity asks her the moment she's through the door. "I was worried."
"I'm fine," Esme lies. "Reaper scared the guy off."
"Here," Preach says as he hands the baby to Esme. Then he turns to me. "What the fuck happened?"
I grit my teeth as I watch Esme hold Tyson close, her brows furrowed as she stares between the baby in her hands and Preacher.
"What the hell, Preach?" Seri hisses. "You can't just hand off your son to women. What's wrong with you?"
"The girl looks like she could be blown over by a fuckin' feather. She's panicking, no doubt pissed at the amount of people that are in her house. Her holdin' Tyson will calm her down."
He inhales deeply. There's no mistaking the smell of home-cooked food. The steak and onion pie that she cooked, along with the freshly cut fries, was beyond anything I ever expected. She's a fantastic cook, and I'll be making sure that I'll be here more nights to enjoy the food.
"Any leftovers?" he asks.
"Um," Esme begins. "Sure. I'll get you some."
"I'll do it," Serenity says. "You go sit on the sofa. Reaper, make her sit down."
I chuckle at the glare Esme throws at her best friend. "Come on," I tell her as I slide my arm around her shoulders and steer her toward the sofa. I'm surprised at how calm Tyson is with her. Usually, he's only that way around Serenity. Then again, she's been with him since he was born. He's used to her. Preach trusts her implicitly with his boy.
Seeing Esme with him doesn't scare me off as I thought it would. She looks good holding the baby. She's used to children. She's a teacher, and from what little I do know of her, she adores children.
"Explain what's happened," Ace says as he takes a seat opposite us. Mayhem, Storm and Preach take a seat at the table and Effie begins to fill plates of food for them. I shake my head. Fucking animals.
"This mornin' when I left here, I noticed a Mercedes parked out front. His gaze was on the house. He left before I did, and he was back when I arrived this evening. I had a talk with him. The asshole is in with the Jacobson’s. They fucked with the evidence he had about the minor crash he and Jacobson Junior had. They've now put pressure on him, claimin' that he owes them around fifteen grand. They had their henchmen break his partner's legs to make him compliant. He had no idea that Esme wasn't with that fuckin' ass any longer."
"Jacobson? I didn't know you were with that fuckin' ass, Esme," Mayhem says, and Effie elbows him to shut up. "What?" he says, glaring at her. "Those Jacobson’s are fucking bastards. They're buying up properties over the city and hiking the rent on them, and when people can't pay, they're evicting them onto the streets. They're also getting deep into debt with the fuckers, they're that destitute."