Page 36 of Reaper
She nods. "Exactly," she breathes. "I like you, Reaper, and I have a feeling having you on side for this endeavor is going to be fun. However," she says, and I brace, knowing whatever is going to come out of her mouth next isn't going to be good, "you have a criminal record, and the last thing we need is for you to go back to prison or even get put on the cops’ radar."
"Don't give a fuck," I say simply.
Her laughter is loud and husky. "Alright then." She turns to Ace. "We have a meeting set for this afternoon. Dante is coming with me. I'm guessing it'll be you and Reaper joining us?"
Ace nods. "Yep. Bringing too many men will cause suspicion."
I chuckle. "Those fucking Albanians get word that Jacobson is sitting down to talk to not only us, but the head of the Irish and Italian mafia, they're going to start shitting themselves."
"That, my friend, is precisely why we're meeting him for lunch in a very high scale restaurant. So make sure you dress for the occasion. By the time our lunch is over, everyone is going to know that Jacobson is talking to us."
She's vindictive, and I fucking like that. Makenna Gallagher Bianchi is not a woman you mess with. She'll gut you where you stand if you ever even try. She'll never let anyone get one over on her. She's far too clever for that shit.
"So, you're telling me that I'm going to have to wear a fuckin' suit to this fuckin' lunch?" I hiss. The mere thought is making me want to itch. The last time I wore a damn suit was when I stood trial, and I don't have any intention of wearing one again.
The smile on her face is answer enough. I glance at Ace, who looks just as fucking happy about the situation as I do. Makenna laughs. "It's not going to kill you. It's a fucking lunch, not a funeral."
"Whatever," I sigh. "I'll wear the damn suit. But at least tell me we can bring weapons. I'm not goin' in blind."
"No, we won't be going in blind. We'll all be carrying." She gets to her feet. "Gentlemen, as always, this has been a pleasure. And I have no doubt this lunch will be immensely fun. Do try and keep your cool, though, Reaper. We'll be in public, and the last thing we need to do is cause a scene."
I raise my hand, pointing my two fingers out. "Scout’s honor," I say with a grin.
She shakes her head. "You weren't a scout, were you?"
I shrug. "Doesn't matter, does it? I mean, the sentiment’s the same."
She's still shaking her head as she leaves the office. "I'll see you both soon."
"Be alert when we're there. I have a feelin' this is all goin' to go south," Ace says as he reaches for his cell. "But havin' Makenna and Dante on side is good. It gives us the manpower to take out everyone if needed." He looks up at me, and I see the anger in his eyes. "This could seriously blow back on us. You ready for that?"
"Are you?" I fire back. "If it does, it puts this club and family at risk. Is it somethin' you're willin' to do?"
"You claimin' Esme?" I nod. I know there's no one out there for me except her. She's the only woman I'd ever want to claim. He doesn't even hesitate. "Then yes, I'm willin'. If shit goes south, the club goes on lockdown. We'll make sure they're safe."
I release a breath, and my entire body starts to lose some of the tension it had. "Okay, then let's hope these bastards listen to what we tell them, because if they don't, then there's a war coming. There's no way Makenna and Dante are goin' to allow the Albanians to get a foothold in their empire."
Ace shakes his head. "This meetin' doesn't go to plan then God fuckin' help anyone who's against us all."
I grin. We tend to stay out of shit unless it directly involves us. We've helped Makenna a few times and she's repaid the favor. Our alliance with the Irish Mafia is something that was built over the years. Makenna is Ace's little sister's best friend. The girls have been thick as thieves since, and their bond has helped our club over the years and vice versa.
"I'd best get ready for this meetin'," I say with disdain.
Ace laughs. "As Makenna said, it's not goin' to be for long. You can deal with that."
I ignore the ass as he continues to laugh. I exit his office and make my way toward my room. Wearing a suit is restricting. It'll take me back to a place where I was at my lowest. Somewhere I don't want to be again.
A knock at my door thirty minutes later has me pausing fixing my tie. I open the door, and I'm shocked to see Preacher standing before me with Tyson in his arms. My heart twinges as I see the little guy smiling at me. "Prez told us the plan. I'm pissed that you’re goin' alone, as are the other brothers."
I get that. I'd feel the same if the tables were turned. We don't know if it's a set-up, if those assholes will have the Albanians waiting on us.
"It'll be fine," I assure him. "If it isn't, then we'll go from there. But I doubt anyone is stupid enough to go against us, the Irish, and the Italians. I mean, that's just a fuckin' death wish right there."
He chuckles and my gaze slides to Tyson, who's not taken his eyes off me. He's watching me carefully, all the while smiling so brightly.
It's a complete mind-fuck thinking that your son lives across the hall from you and there's absolutely nothing you can do about it. As much as I want to see if my suspicions are right—and every day that goes by, that feeling gets stronger—I can't do that to Preach. I wouldn't tear him away from the boy. So I'm keeping quiet and praying this feeling is only temporary.
"If you get a feelin', call me. You know me and the brothers will be there as soon as we can. Fuck, I think we should be on standby at the very least."