Page 51 of Reaper
"The fucking Albanians. They shot the place up. It's completely fucked. All the drugs gone, all my staff dead," she hisses. "Don't worry, we'll be getting our own back. I'm not stupid. My facilities are heavily secured, meaning I have more security cameras than the pentagon. They were the stupid ones. They didn't change their van and it lead me directly to their hideout. Right now, Dante, Finn, Romero, and my men are on their way to ensure those fuckers get payback."
She's pissed and I don't blame her. They fucked with her business. But those assholes are fucking deluded if they thought there wouldn't be repercussions for their actions.
"And you didn't go with them because?" Ace says with a grin. "Let me guess, baby number three is on the way?"
She flips him off and huffs. "Yes. My husband doesn't want me around the bullets that are going to fly."
"So what do you need?" Ace asks her. "Want us to meet up with them?"
Makenna laughs. "No. God, they're more than capable of doing it themselves. But I wanted you to know what happened and be on alert. I have no doubt that this is just the beginning. I'm thinking that another meeting could be on the menu soon. I want to get under that fucker’s skin and watch what he does."
I shake my head. "You mean you want to taunt the fucker into losing his shit?"
She grins. "Exactly. I want to know why the fuck he's hidden for the past month. What was the reason?"
"Maybe he was grieving?" Ace says, sitting back in his chair. "The fucker hasn't mentioned it at all. The press has had a field day about the death of his son. He's not made a comment about it at all."
He's right, and it's fucking suspicious as fuck. "He's been plannin'," I conclude. "He must have been plannin' ways to get revenge and takin' out Makenna's coke house was only one way. He's got somethin' else planned. This is goin' to be for us."
Ace's eyes harden. "Then we need to fuckin' find out what."
"I agree with Reaper. This man is dealing with the loss of his child, his only child, his fucking replica. There's no way he's going to fade into the background and act as though nothing happened. He's going to come back at us with vengeance."
"Then we make sure that anyone who does come at us, dies," Ace says simply. "He's not goin' to be able to gain more followers when those that did follow the cunt are dyin' because of him. Besides, no one is fuckin' stupid enough to go up against us."
Makenna nods. "No one in their right mind would. So tell me, Ace, what would make you trust a billionaire asshole who wants to work with you? What would make you try to take out the biggest crime families in New York—hell, in the United States?"
"Me? Nothin'. I ain't stupid, Kenna. I wouldn't put my brothers through that. Unless it directly involved us and those families targeted us, I wouldn't be gettin' involved in someone else’s problems."
She laughs. "Of course you wouldn't, but I meant what would make someone do that?"
"Money and power," I say. "That fucker had to have promised the Albanians that they'd be paid handsomely for their manpower, and that when they took us all down, they'd reign supreme at the top."
Once again, Makenna laughs. "I agree, but I seriously wonder about those Albanians. If they did somehow manage to take us down, do they believe that they'd get away with it?" She glances between Ace and I with a raised brow. "I mean, not only do I have family in Chicago and Indiana, but also in Spain, England, and Ireland. If I'm taken out, the entire force of the Gallagher’s would come down on them. Not to mention, if they take out this chapter, you have four other chapters that would come for revenge." She sighs. "I don't get their motives."
"It's fuckin' annoyin'," Ace grumbles. "Nothin' is makin' sense."
"We're never goin' to find out. That asshole Jacobson isn't goin' to come out and tell us why he's doin' this and what he's told those fucking Albanians to get them onside," I snarl. "There's only one way to do that," I say with a hiss. "Capture one of them and let us at them."
Makenna giggles. "You do realize that I have a brother who is proficient in extracting information, right?"
I smirk. "Yeah, I heard he loves rats."
Her laughter rings out loud through the office. "Oh, that story made the rounds more times than I can count."
"It's true though, isn't it?" Ace says, smiling. "He shoved a rat up a snitch’s ass and plugged it closed so the rat couldn't escape."
Makenna nods. "Yep. He also sliced the face off his own brother. That's what happens when you fuck with a Gallagher. We'll fucking come at you a hundred times harder."
"Fucking psycho," Ace mutters.
"Not sure that it's just Finn who’s crazy, brother," I say. "This one and her niece scalped someone, her cousin is a fuckin' serial killer, and Makenna will take anyone out who'll even try to come for her or her family."
"Exactly," she says sweetly. "You, however, are safe from us. We are family, and there's no one besides my own family that I trust more than you."
It's a fucking huge compliment coming from her. The woman has been betrayed by a fucking lot of people and she's always come out on top. I think the worst thing for her was when her brother Patrick betrayed her. He deserved Finn taking his skin from his face. I'd have done the same if it were my family.
"So, gentlemen, I'd advise that you think of places that are easily hit that aren't going to be hard to get to," she says, and the mood sobers. "These fuckers can't come here as they'll never get past the gates. So the question is, where will they go?"