Page 73 of Reaper
He nods as he walks out of the room with his bag slung over his shoulder. I know this is probably the last time I'm going to see him.
"You good, Reap?" Rush says as he walks up to me. "Couldn't help but hear some of what you were sayin'. You know that man is fuckin' gutted. He did what he thought was right, but he deserves to have a fresh start, as do you and Es with Tyson. You didn't cause this, man, and you did everythin' you could to protect him."
"I know. It's just fucked up that it went down this way. I never intended for him to find out."
He gives me a grim smile. "Know that, brother. Fuckin' respect that too. You were willin' to give up your chance with your kid to protect your brother. That shows the type of man you are."
"Will you give me a hand movin' Tyson's things into mine and Es' room?"
"Sure," he says, moving into Preach's room and helping me lift the crib. "Are you worried about what the reaction is goin' to be when everyone finds out that he's gone?"
I shrug. "I guess we'll find out. Right now, my main concern is makin' sure that both Esme and Tyson are doin' okay. Everyone else is on the backburner, bro."
"I get that. I'd be the same. Still, it sucks that it's got to happen this way. But Preacher was right, man. There's no one besides you and Es who could give that boy a happy home. I've seen the way the two of you are with him, how you love him. You were both willing to love him from afar to ensure that he was happy with Preacher. That shows your protectiveness. You're goin' to do a great job."
Rush had a fucked up childhood and he knows what shit parents are. I think that's why he's so aloof. He's been through hell and back and I doubt any of us know the full truth. "Proud of you, Rush. You've become a great man. A brother that I trust implicitly."
His eyes widen, and I watch as he swallows hard, but he nods. "Appreciate it, man. Do you need anythin' else?"
I shake my head. "Nah, I'm good. I'm gonna get Tyson, and then when he's asleep, I'll grab some food for Es."
"Auntie Seri's already on that, man. She's determined to ensure that Es heals properly. She's making her some high iron shit. It looks fuckin' gross. But she's also cooked for you too."
I chuckle. "Esme's goin' to love that. She hates spinach and Seri always puts that in her food. Thanks for your help, Rush. I appreciate it."
He gives me a smile before leaving the room. I empty out the crib and plug in the monitor, setting it up on the bedside table. I also make the crib up so that when Tyson's ready for bed, he'll be comfortable. There are so many clothes and teddies. I don't have a big enough room here for that. Thankfully, Es has a home that has three bedrooms. We're going to need one room alone for all the shit Tyson has.
* * *
"I'm sorry, man," Mayhem says a while later as I'm grabbing food for Esme.
She's awake and has Tyson in her arms. He's cooing at her. Thankfully, her having her jaw wired shut hasn't scared him.
I look at my brother. "You shouldn't have said anythin', May. He's fuckin' gone now."
He nods. "I know. Christ, I never thought it would end up like this."
Storm laughs, and it's bitter and filled with anger. "The fuck did you think was goin' to happen, May? You ripped the ground from under his feet. There was no way he could stay here without havin' Tyson and there was no way he was goin' to keep him from Reaper."
"You think I shouldn't have told him? That I should have kept it to myself?"
I pin him with a glare. "Why did it matter? Hmm? Why did you go snoopin'? There was no fuckin' need. Both Tyson and Preacher were happy. They were a family and you ripped that apart. And for what? Your morbid curiosity?"
"I thought I was helpin'. I would have wanted to know. There's no way I could live with myself if I knew that someone else had my child or if I was raisin' someone else's child."
"It wasn't you though, May. It had nothin' to do with you," Storm snaps. "Now Preach is gone and he's not goin' to come back. How do we know he's actually goin' to Ireland? Hmm?"
Fuck. That thought never crossed my mind. Shit, they're right though. How the fuck are we to know if he does go to Ireland? If he doesn't, we'll never find him. He'll be living as a nomad and that ain't an easy life.
"We have to have faith that he'll be okay. Tomorrow, we'll call Pyro or Raptor and see if he's turned up. If he hasn't, well, we'll start looking for him," Serenity says. "Reaper, here's food for Esme and for yourself. Go spend the night with Tyson and bond with him. If you need help, just ask. We're all here for you."
Mayhem nods. "She's right. No matter what, we're here for you. Congrats, man. No one has said it yet, but congrats on bein' a dad. It's the best fuckin' feelin' in the world."
I nod my thanks, take the tray Seri made up, and walk to my room. I stop in the doorway when I see Esme feeding Tyson. He's content in her arms, his fingers curled around her little one as she holds the bottle to his mouth. Seeing this, it's more than I could have ever hoped. This is what I have wanted, but I never fully gave myself the chance to dream. This is everything. I have my woman and my son.
Fuck. I'm a dad.