Page 75 of Reaper
"Well now, look at you." Seri grins as I enter the kitchen. "I was just coming to find you. I have a bottle for Tyson and some food for you."
I glare at her. A fucking food smoothie isn't food. It's vile. Until I'm able to get my jaw unwired, I'm having to drink my food through a straw. It's beyond rank and I can't wait to be back to normal.
I park the wheelchair at the end of the table and take Tyson out of his carrier. I hold him against my chest as I reach for the bottle Seri made. Tyson guzzles the bottle down like he hasn't been fed in hours. He's always like that, and there's nothing wrong with him. He's just a healthy baby who loves his food. I can't blame him. I love food too.
I hear footsteps pound on the floor from the hall and turn to glance at Rush, who's grinning. "He's comin' and he knows you're not in bed. He's goin' to be pissed."
I glare at him. He's no help whatsoever.
Grayson enters the kitchen, his gaze moving over everyone until he stops at me. I watch as he visibly sighs. "Christ, Es, the fuck?"
"She's got a set of wheels," Seri supplies. "She's able to get around up here unaided which I think is fucking cool. She's been stuck in bed for almost three weeks, Reaper. You have to understand how hard that is on anyone. She's not broken any of your rules. She's staying off her feet and she's able to help Tyson more this way. She's mobile—well, as much as she's able to be."
He moves toward me. "You good in that?" I nod and watch as he smiles. "Then fine, you can keep it. You need help, then you call one of us, okay?"
I nod, trying to ensure that I continue feeding Tyson.
"Okay," he whispers, pressing a kiss to my lips. "I got the nightlight and I'm thinkin' that maybe stayin' at your house for a while could help. You have no stairs in your house, which means you can get around the entire house without worry."
I grin. That's exactly what I want. I love the clubhouse, but since Preacher left, things have been a little tense, especially whenever we're with Tyson. I think everyone's finding it hard to deal with, especially with Preacher gone.
"I'll set it up," he promises me. "We'll go home tonight."
“You need a hand?" Rush asks Grayson.
"You busy?" Gray says to him, and Rush shakes his head. "Then yeah, man, that would be good. We're goin' to take the crib and everythin' Tyson has from my room and bring it to Esme's house. That way, we'll have everythin' we need when we get home."
Rush glances at me and smiles. "On it. I'll get Cage to help too."
Both Cage and Rush are the only ones who aren’t tiptoeing around us, and I get it, they're closer to Grayson because they're closer to me. Everyone else just needs time.
"I'll come over every day," Seri promises. "I'll make sure you have everything you need."
"I will too," Tavia says with a bright smile. "It'll be fun."
I shake my head. They're crazy but they're family. Those girls have been with me through everything. Seri and I have been best friends since we were kids, the same way that Tavia and Effiemia have been. Without the girls, I'd be alone while Gray would be working. I love them both so much and owe them everything.
"We'll help you get settled today," Octavia continues. "Make sure the house is set up for you and Tyson while the men build whatever they have too."
"Which means they'll need beer. When have you ever seen a man build without drinking?" Effie asks.
"Well, it's only Reaper, Cage, and Rush, Ef, so I doubt they'll be drinking much," Seri answers her.
Effie's brows knit together. "Why isn't anyone else helping? What's going on?"
I turn to Seri. I can't answer, and I know Grayson won't say anything.
"Esme, you eat up. When you're finished, we'll get going," Gray says, giving me that gorgeous smile of his.
Rush and Grayson leave the kitchen and Octavia and Effie sit down beside me. "Okay, spill," Effie says to Seri. "What's going on?"
"Since Preacher left, the guys have kind of been a little off with both Esme and Preacher. So him taking her home is his way of protecting her. I'm glad he's doing something. The tension in the air isn't great for anyone," Seri says.
Both Octavia and Effie share a look, and I know Tavia well enough to know that she's mad and poor Digger is going to have to deal with her wrath.
"Okay, is there anything you need us to get for the house?"
I shake my head as I hand Tyson to Seri and reach for my cell. He's finished his bottle, so he just needs to be burped. I quickly type out a message.