Page 8 of Reaper
“What the fuck?” Cruz growls. “What the hell happened?”
That's something that I would like to fucking know.
“Seems as though Bubbles and Pepper have had enough of being club whores and have taken matters into their own hands. They stopped taking their pills and have started getting the brothers they sleep with drunk so they won’t know whether or not they wore a rubber,” Ace says through gritted teeth.
Shadow’s hands slam down onto the table as he rises to his feet. “That fuckin’ bitch. I’m goin’ to kill her.”
My stomach is fucking churning. That motherfucking bitch. I can't believe she's done this shit. She set about to get pregnant and is now playing every brother she's fucking slept with.
“Sit the fuck down,” Ace hisses. “You can’t off a fuckin’ pregnant woman, especially one who could be carryin’ your baby. Now, both Bubbles and Pepper are no longer allowed to step foot on Viper property. The bullshit they have pulled can, and no doubt will, change lives.”
“What’s the plan?” Pyro asks, looking at Preacher and Shadow. “Either of you could be the dad. What’s goin’ to happen?”
“Get a paternity test, unless she tells us which one it is. She’s not bein’ forthcomin’ with any information,” Preacher sighs. “No matter what Shadow and I say to her, she acts as though she’s in charge. She’s leavin’ us hangin’ on by a thread. Do you know how much I want to strangle the bitch for information?”
I fucking hate that my brothers are going through this shit, but my fucking God, I'm so relieved that it ain't me. I would lose my ever-loving shit if it was. Pepper is already playing my brothers. I have no doubt that she's not even started with her bullshit.
“You two are goin’ to stay here. May, Storm, and Cruz, I want you to go and find Pepper and Bubbles and bring them here. This shit is stoppin’. All club whores are to be tested, and brothers, I’d get tested also,” Ace tells us all.
My jaw is locked as everyone starts to exit the room. I'm rooted to my seat, unable to move just yet. Anger and relief washes through me. I've dodged a fucking bullet for sure, but Christ, it was close.
* * *
Six weeks ago
The clubhouse is ablaze with anger and gossip. That fucking bitch Pepper has just given birth, and from what my brothers have said, she was as high as a fucking kite while doing so. Not to mention, that whore Bubbles was there with a bottle of vodka and a bag of cocaine.
Christ… I have no fucking idea what the hell goes through these women's heads. Why the hell are they so fucked up? Firstly, trapping the brothers by getting pregnant, then the bitch took drugs throughout her entire pregnancy, and now it seems as though the kid has problems at the moment. He's addicted to whatever fucking drugs that bitch took.
That fucking bitch has saddled my brother to her for life. Preacher is the father of the baby, who’s currently in the hospital dealing with the effects of the drugs the whore pushed into him while she was pregnant. Once again, I'm fucking grateful that I'm not the one who’s tied to that bitch.
There's no way in hell I'd ever be able to keep my calm as Preacher has. I'd have killed Pepper a hell of a long time ago. I learned a fucking long time ago what having a toxic person in your life can be like. Fuck, Pepper reminds me so much of my own mom that I'd break out in hives if that fucking bitch was anywhere near me for more than five seconds.
"Yo, Reap, you good, brother?" Storm asks.
"Countin' my blessings, brother. Fuckin' countin' my blessings."
He releases a deep chuckle. "Ain't we all, brother. Ain't we fuckin' all."
I push away from the table and get to my feet. "I pray, Storm, that this is over soon, for Preacher's sake and for that baby's."
Storm nods. "We all do. But I have a feeling the bitch hasn't stopped fucking with all of us yet."
I hope to fucking God that he's wrong, but knowing Pepper, she's got something up her sleeve.
I just hope she's done fucking with Preach.
Igroan as I pull into the drive. My ribs are still smarting from last week. I grit my teeth as I climb out of the car. It's easing, but Christ, it's sore. Moving is a problem, and the longer the day goes on without pain pills, the worse the pain becomes.
Things between Harry and I are worse than ever. I don't trust him, and I don't think I ever will. I truly believe that he's cheated on me numerous times, but whenever I bring the accusations to him, he turns it around and tells me I'm a crazy jealous bitch, that he's done nothing but love me from the moment we met. He gets angry, shouting and screaming at me until I start to feel bad and apologize.
When I saw messages on his cell from other women, he claimed that I was the one who drove him to it. That I was the reason he was sending those women messages because I was a frigid bitch who drove him to do it. That all my incessant nagging and whining made him search out other women for reassurance.