Page 15 of Kuaket
“Okay, then why don’t we eat, then you can decide what you want?” I suggested.
She gave me a look that I hoped meant she appreciated the offer. “All right. So we’ve got half an hour before the food arrives. What should we do with that time?”
“We could play a board game?” I joked.
“Do I look like I own any board games?”
“You have a Hounds and Jackals board in your bedroom,” I pointed out, glad I’d thought to look up what the board was when I hadn’t recognised it. Apparently, it was some sort of Ancient Egyptian game that had fallen out of fashion. “But I was just kidding.”
“Nope. You said we were going to play a board game, so now that’s exactly what we’re going to do. How does strip Monopoly sound?” There was a twinkle in her eye as she suggested it.
“Like I don’t think either of us are wearing enough clothes.”
She laughed, a great sound that made my heart constrict and made me want to hear it more. I wasn’t sure I’d ever experienced Kua like this before.
“Strip battleships then,” she said.
“I don’t know how serious you are.”
“Very.” She went up on her toes and kissed my cheek. “I’ll get the game, you should get the bottle of wine from the fridge and two glasses.”
“Sure.” I didn’t know what to make of this, but I also wasn’t about to say no to it. The idea of doing something as mundane as a board game with her was nice, even if it did involve stripping.
I pushedmy empty plate away from me and let out a satisfied sigh. I really did love the pasta from this place.
“All right, I have to admit, that place is good,” Abrax said, seeming to be just as happy with his food.
“It is. Now where were we?”
“What?” He gave me a funny look.
“With our game, I believe I’d nearly won.” I raked my gaze over him, pleased that he hadn’t put any of his clothing back on when the food arrived. “What have you got left? Your boxers and a single sock? I can win in two moves.” I pulled my battleship board back towards me and studied the map.
He chuckled. “I never expected you to bethisinto board games.”
“I’m into anything if there’s a prize at the end.”
He raised an eyebrow. “There’s a prize?”
“Oh yes. Winner gets to choose.”
He chuckled. “And if you lose?”
“I’m not going to. But if I did, then I’d hope your choice of prize would bejustas fun as mine.”
“All right, then I think your ship is on E7,” he said.
“Nope. It’s not. Lose the sock.”
He caught my gaze and took it off, throwing it over to where the rest of his clothes had piled up.
“G4,” I said.
“Not even close.”