Page 14 of Undercover Agent
“They’re in the hall,” he responded before leaning forward and kissingmyEmerson’s forehead.
When he released her and walked toward me, I wanted to rush around him and reclaim her as my own. Instead, I pulled my billfold from my trouser pocket and handed him twenty dollars more than the tab came to. “I’ll bring them in,” I said as I followed him to the door, standing on the threshold so he couldn’t step back inside. “Thank you,” I managed to grunt at him before closing the door in his face.
“The groceries,” I reminded Lynx when he stepped away from the door he’d just slammed in my friend’s face. What had that been about anyway?
“Right,” he mumbled, pulling the door open. When he stepped inside with his arms full, I walked over to close the door behind him.
He unloaded the bags without looking up at me.
“Is everything okay?” I asked.
He raised his eyes. “Is Niven aware you have other boyfriends?”
If he didn’t already have a scowl on his face, I would’ve laughed out loud. In fact, I should have. At the same time, I was confused. Why did he think Tommy was my boyfriend? I couldn’t recall saying anything to give him that impression.
“Rashid is not my boyfriend per se. Neither is Tommy for that matter.”
Lynx set the box of crackers he was holding on the counter. Slammed would be a better word; they had to be broken into thousands of pieces.
“What is he exactly,per se?”
This time, I did laugh. “Which one?”
“He’s just a friend.”
“I doubt he feels that way,” he muttered.
“Hisboyfriend would disagree.”
“Oh.” Lynx continued putting the groceries away. It was almost as if he was jealous, which was ludicrous, given I didn’t register on his radar enough for him to even remember he’d spent a night with me.
“And Niven, does he realize the lackadaisical way you view your relationship with him?”
“We’re friends,” I mumbled, not understanding why Lynx was making this out to be more than it was.
Tommy and I had gone out for dinner several times, including more than once with Rashid and his long-term boyfriend. It was one of the things I liked best about my neighbor. Tommy seemed to be prejudice-free. Neither Rashid’s ethnic background nor his sexual orientation bothered him.
I walked over to the sofa and picked up my cell phone, silently praying there would be some kind of response from my parents. When I saw there was a text message, I didn’t feel as happy as I thought I would. If they were responding, that meant my time with Lynx would be coming to an end. I tapped the screen and couldn’t contain my grin when I read the message from my mother.
Did you forget we’re down the Cape this month?
I had forgotten. It was usually them looking for me, trying to coax me out of work. I was embarrassed to admit that I didn’t pay much attention to their schedule, especially considering how much they’d sacrificed for me.
Do you want Dad to come into the city?
No, but thanks. I’ll figure something else out. Enjoy your time at the beach.
Let me know if you change your mind.
I adored my parents. The three of us had always been close, especially after we lost my brother.
“Everything okay?” Lynx asked right before he took a bite out of an apple. I’d told him I wasn’t hungry, but it looked so good. I couldn’t take my eyes off his full lips as he slowly chewed. Maybe it wasn’t the apple that looked good enough to eat as much as it was him.