Page 42 of Undercover Agent
I looked away. “Just tell me.”
“Now I’m wondering whether I should.”
Probably wouldn’t be wise to strangle the pilot, considering I didn’t know how to fly one of these things, but I was close.
“Angel, please.”
Her eyes scrunched in confusion, but then she shrugged. “Remember, he was absolutely smashed.”
I nodded.
“He said, and I quote, ‘someday I’m going to marry that girl.’”
My nausea was now full-fledged. “Was he serious?”
“He was drunk, Lynx. I mentioned that three or four times.”
“I know, but was he serious?”
Angel shrugged again. “Kind of seemed that way to me.”
My parents and I were sitting at the dining table, finishing our lunch, when we heard a loud whir. Jumping up, my mother and I ran to one window while my father headed to the back door.
With wide eyes, I watched as a helicopter landed on the lawn next to our house.
“Um…could it be someone you know?” I asked as my mother and I followed my dad out onto the back porch.
He shook his head.
A door opened, and I watched Lynx climb out. “Never mind,” I mumbled. “He’s here for me.” I continued to watch as he stalked in my direction and the helicopter took off.
“What are you doing here?” I asked when we stood practically toe-to-toe.
“I might ask the same of you.”
I took a step back. “I’m visiting my parents.”
“Without a bloody word as to your intentions?”
“Not that I need to explain myself, but I did tell Paxon.”
“Oh, you toldPaxon.It didn’t occur to you to consult with me before gallivanting off for the second time with little regard to your safety?”
I didn’t care for his raised voice any more than I did the way he was speaking to me.“For the second time?”I shouted back.
“First, you sneaked out of Saint’s apartment when my back was turned. This time, you left the building as soon as you were out of my sight.”
“Are you serious? You can’t be?—”
“I’m Rick Charles,” my father said, inserting himself into our heated conversation. “This is my wife, Rebecca.”
“Lennox Edgemon,” Lynx said, extending his hand to my mother first and then my father. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, ma’am, sir.” He smiled at them, but when he turned back to me, he scowled.
“Is this the young man from London?” asked my mother, feigning innocence, but I was onto her.