Page 47 of Undercover Agent
“Lynx, really, you don’t have to make me feel better about it. I was a grown up then, well sort of, but I am a grown up now.”
“I went down to the front desk, and they told me you’d checked out. I have to admit I was quite worried. One of the conference organizers was standing nearby and overheard me. I suppose the look of utter devastation on my face was reason enough for her to take pity on me.”
“You’re serious?”
“Yes, I am. She told me you’d withdrawn due to a family emergency. I wanted to wring her neck when she gave me your contact information. Major security and privacy breach, that was.”
“But you didn’t contact me.”
“No, once I found out about your brother’s passing, I decided it would be best if I didn’t.”
“So…you knew?”
“Yes, Emerson. I knew. And while I could’ve used my position with MI6 to find out more, my conscience prevented me from doing so. I assumed that if you’d wanted me to know how to find you, you would’ve left a note or a message or something.”
I wasn’t sure what to say. Part of me was too shocked to believe him, but why would he make up such an elaborate story just to make me feel better?
“You never told me why you left before sunrise, Emerson.”
And I didn’t want to now. I felt just as embarrassed as I had three years ago. “You were my first…my only…one-night stand. I wasn’t sure of the…etiquette.”
“I see. So you chose the walk of shame rather than allowing me to order you a proper breakfast.”
Lynx was smiling, but in my mind, it had worked out for the best. “I wasn’t in my room very long before my father called.”
He nodded as if he understood.
“I’m sorry you wasted a trip out here. The helicopter ride probably cost a fortune.”
“I’ve no idea about the cost. However, you are in my arms, Emerson, I’d hardly call that a waste.”
“Wait,” I said when he brought his lips to mine and was about to kiss me.
“Please, I beg you, don’t say another word about Saint.”
“I have to.”
He groaned, rolled to his back, and covered his eyes with his forearm. “What?”
“More than once, you alluded to, even mentioned, my relationship with Tommy.”
“Yes?” he grunted.
“I wasn’t in a relationship with him. We weren’t seeing each other.”
He rose up, turned to his side, and rested his head on his hand. “He said you were.”
“Pretty sure I’d know.”
I stood, and Lynx sat all the way up, looking out at the bay. “You said when he kissed you…”
“Once, Lynx. Tommy kissed me once.”