Page 66 of Undercover Agent
“Perhaps Emerson’s return is in order.”
I went inside and found her father in the kitchen.
“Anything I should know about?” he asked.
“I believe Emerson and I may return to Boston soon.”
He nodded and poured himself a cup of coffee. “Want some?” he asked.
“Sure.” It wasn’t as though this was the first time I’d opted for it over tea in the morning. There were certainly times that neither had been an option, given where I was in the world and the level of danger of whatever mission I’d been assigned.
After I’d added the requisite amount of cream and sugar, Rick motioned for me to follow him outside.
“Let’s take a walk.”
I fought against the feeling I was being led to a gallows of sorts.
“After we lost Ricky, I took a long, hard look at my life. As you’re probably aware, within six months of his death, I retired.”
“Yes,” I murmured. That information was included in the report Decker gave me.
“I like you, Lynx. In fact, I told Emme I thought you were a decent-enough guy.”
“What was her response?”
He smiled. “She likened you to a used-car salesman.”
“Not surprising.”
“My daughter is brilliant. She’s one of the most intelligent people I’ve ever known, and in my line of work, I dealt with geniuses every day.”
“I would concur.”
“She’s also a bit of an eccentric.”
Interesting word choice. I preferred it over Irish’s quirky.
“I know the two of you share a past, and that’s only part of the reason I wanted to talk to you.”
I could write tomes filled with accounts of different situations and predicaments I’d found myself in. However, this would rank among the most awkward.
“She cares about you.”
“And I, her,” I admitted.
Rick stopped walking and turned to face me. “I’m going to ask you straight out to assign someone else to her detail.”
Rather than looking at him, I turned toward the water. “Would you be able to do the same if it were Rebecca?”
“I love my wife, Lynx. I also love my daughter. I don’t want to see her hurt. I know I can’t prevent it from happening, but I can step in and ask you not to make it worse.”
“Decker Ashford put a tail on Warrick yesterday. Irish spent the day at MIT.”
“I see.”
“Until I figure out why, I’m not willing to do what you’re asking.”
“Fair enough.”