Page 85 of Undercover Agent
I had no idea what to do next. Should I take it back to her apartment and ask Rashid to keep it for her? That was probably the only viable option.
I thanked the two men and walked out of the market without purchasing any food. It would be easy enough for me to dine out somewhere tonight. If the weather improved, perhaps I’d catch a flight back to Austin in the morning. I was about to walk into the diner next door when my mobile rang.
“Lennox, it’s Stephen. I got your text. What a coincidence that we’re both in town at the same time again.”
“Thanks for getting back to me, what are you and Nora doing in Boston?”
“It’s actually Brian and I. Since we were on our own tonight, we decided to do some early Christmas shopping. Wretched weather for it, though.”
I told him about my less-than-pleasant ride from the airport.
“We’re about to walk into a restaurant. Would you like to join us?”
“Would love to. Where?”
“It’s a place I’m sure you know, the Brazilian restaurant on Park Drive.”
“I don’t know it, but if it’s on Park, I’ll be there shortly.”
I rang off and hailed the cab that just dropped two people off at the bar next door to the diner.
“Do you know a Brazilian place on Park?” I asked the driver. He nodded, but otherwise didn’t answer before we sped off.
Less than five minutes later, he pulled up in front of the small restaurant. I could see that Stephen and Brian were the only two people sitting inside. I got out and thanked the man, giving him a generous tip, given the weather.
The smells wafting from the place I was about to walk into were divine.
Stephen met me halfway to their table, and we embraced. “You’ve never been here?” he asked as he led me back to where Brian was waiting. “Surprising,” he said when I shook my head.
“Why is that?”
He studied me as though I was daft, similar to the way Rashid’s father often looked at me. “It’s just that Emerson recommended it to us.”
“I see,” I muttered and opened my menu. “When was this?”
“Earlier today when I called Nora to let her know we’d be spending the evening in town.” Stephen put his hand on my shoulder. “You’re looking a little piqued. Everything all right?”
I opened and closed my eyes, trying to bring the menu items into focus, and cleared my throat. “I’m fine.”
“I have to admit, I’m a bit shocked that Emerson would make plans with Nora tonight given you’re in town.”
“She doesn’t know.”
“Ah. I see. Surprising her, then?”
I set the menu on the table since I couldn’t focus on making a selection. “That was my plan. However, she no longer resides where she used to.”
“That would make a right long commute.” The look on Stephen’s face changed as though things suddenly became clearer. “She didn’t tell you she moved to Newport?”
I rested my elbows on the table and leaned forward. “I haven’t spoken to Emerson since I left in September.”
My cousin shook his head. “Bloody hell! Are you serious?”
Just as I got to the bottom of the stairs, a car pulled up; I opened the front passenger door and climbed in.