Page 10 of Code Name: Zeppelin
“Perhaps a dash each for the lady and me.” With the amount of work we had to do once we reached the chalet, neither of us could afford to get tattered. However, a little brandy added to our hot chocolate would fortify us on the ride.
“May I offer many congratulations on your recent marriage,” said Bernard, snapping the reins to get the horses moving.
Both Verity and I thanked him.
While it didn’t appear there was anyone other than Bernard in close proximity, I put my arm around her shoulders. “Warm enough?” I asked.
“Yes, thanks,” she murmured.
I leaned close so my mouth was near her ear. I would’ve much preferred to nuzzle her hair, perhaps trail kisses across her cheek until our lips met. “I’m practicing,” I whispered.
Her look of—what? discomfort?—unnerved me. However, I left my arm where it was. Once we arrived at the chalet, we’d need to talk. A new bride could hardly exhibit distaste for her groom when we were in public view.
“It’s so beautiful,” she said as we rode through trees of all sizes strung with multi-colored lights. It seemed early for the festive season’s decorations, but given guests were here on holiday, it made sense a resort of this size would be decked out by mid-November. The combination of illumination and ringing sleigh bells made it feel as though it could be Christmas Eve.
When Verity rested her head on my shoulder and I tightened my hold on her, an odd feeling of contentment washed over me.
“Is everything all right?” she asked, lifting her head.
“Yes. Fine. Perfectly fine.”
Verity raised a brow. “Sorry if I made you uncomfortable,” she whispered.
“Not at all.” I wasn’t lying. My discomfort had nothing to do with her head on my shoulder. It was about feelings so unexpected I didn’t know how to process them.
While she might use a word as strong as hate when referring to me, I wouldn’t. Infuriation? Yes. Did she drive me mad? Yes. In more ways than one.
“Here we are,” said Bernard, directing the horses to pull the sleigh close to a structure that was lit up as much as the trees that dotted our drive.
I could hear rushing water from a nearby stream, and the air smelled of a woodburning fireplace. When I looked up at the chimney, there was indeed smoke.
“Are you sure this is ours?” Verity asked, sitting up but hesitating to remove the blanket.
“Yes, ma’am. We had detailed instructions to have the place ready for your arrival. It appears the gents have brought your vehicle,” he said, pointing to the SUV, which was partially hidden in a denser section of trees. “You’ll find bottles of wine, compliments of Châteaux Relais, and dinner has been prearranged to be delivered promptly at eight.”
I jumped down and offered my hand to Verity. When she placed her palm in mine, peacefulness washed over me. What in the bloody hell was going on? I’d been undercover with female agents before. Granted, it had never been as part of a married couple, particularly newly so.
“Shall we go inside?” she asked.
“Right. Of course.” I realized that, once she stood in front of me, I hadn’t moved other than to study her. Clearly, Verity was not affected in the same way. If anything, she looked perplexed. I put her arm in mine and followed Bernard to the chalet’s door.
“This is the best spot on the whole resort,” he said, sticking the key in the lock. “Maybe even in all of St. Moritz.”
The view in front of me when I walked in after Verity, was stunning. Softly falling snow could be seen through floor-to-ceiling windows on two of the exterior walls. In the corner where the walls met was a freestanding, woodburning fireplace. Candles—too many to count—were lit, providing enough illumination that turning on lights was unnecessary. In the opposite corner stood a decorated Christmas tree.
I walked through the kitchen, a sitting area, then over to stand near the windows. I raised my head and saw skylights had been installed into the roof as well.
The decor in the massive great room was either off-white or natural wood and done so well, it seemed to meld with what was outside.
The most striking thing in the room, though, was the bed. It was positioned in such a way that it faced the view, fireplace, tree, and candles. It looked quite large, bigger than a king.
Picturing Verity spread out on the lush blankets, her naked body awash with candlelight, had my cock hardening to the point of discomfort. I adjusted my trousers and glanced over my shoulder, relieved to see neither she nor Bernard were paying attention.
I thought about Magnet’s words before we left Shere when I’d asked what I should do. “Figure out how the hell you’re gonna keep your hands off her,” he’d responded.
At this rate, I wouldn’t last a single night. Envisioning her belting me if I made a move had me chuckling. However, it did nothing to quell my desire for her.
“Jack, did you hear me?”