Page 17 of Code Name: Zeppelin
His eyes widened. “All of them?”
“Um, yes?” I wasn’t sure why I’d phrased it as a question.
“That will take a while.”
I couldn’t help but smirk. “Yes. You’re right.”
Zeppelin scowled. “I hate it when you do that,” I heard him mutter under his breath.
“Do what?”
“Talk to me like I’m an idiot.”
I folded my arms. “You do it to me.”
He walked over to the fireplace, pushed the logs around, then added two more.
“Come here,” he said, motioning me to join him by the window.
“What is it?” I asked, looking in the same direction.
“Under that tree,” he said, pointing.
I scrunched my eyes, and while I could see something, I had no idea what it was.
“Two black foxes. They’re quite rare, you know?”
“I didn’t.”
“Have you ever heard them scream?”
I cocked my head. “Scream?”
“They sound like humans. Little girls, actually.”
“They scream?”
“It’s their mating call.” He pulled out his mobile, swiped the screen, and tapped it. A few moments later, a video popped up. He held it so I could get a better view. In it, a lone fox wandered back and forth near a trail camera. When it suddenly screamed and it did sound like a little girl, as Zeppelin had said, I giggled.
“Odd that it works for a mating call,” I commented.
He shrugged. “Right. With humans, it typically happens during, um, mating.”
That was a mental picture I didn’t need to see. Particularly since the image in my mind was of Zeppelin and me on the very bed we stood beside. He was pleasuring me with his mouth, making me scream in ecstasy.
“I need to get to work.” I spun around and stalked away.
“Come on, you can’t be that much of a prude.”
I looked back at him. “Did you just call me a prude?”
He raised a brow. “You did get angry when I said women are more apt to scream during mating.”
“You said humans, and I didn’t get angry. I just don’t have time to stand around, gazing out the window.Ihave work to do.”
“There’s the Verity I recognize,” he mumbled.
“Elise, remember?”