Page 2 of Code Name: Zeppelin
I raised a brow.
Nem leaned forward and spoke in a hushed tone of voice. “Listen to me. This op is one you’ll excel at like no one else on any task force in the coalition. Frankly, I’d fight Typhon tooth and nail if he attempted to pull you exclusively into Unit 23 in advance of this deployment. There’s a reason—several, actually—why you were tapped for the unit. One, you’re bloody brilliant. Two, and pardon my language, but you’re lethal as fuck. Three, no one outside of perhaps Typhon and me knows what else you’re capable of. You’re literally the second coming of Virginia Robbins.”
The former Chief of Disguise at the CIA had retired in the early nineties but was still considered to be the master of what she called “deceptive transformation.” She could seemingly change ethnicity on demand. While I didn’t profess to have the same level of skill, I did possess the ability to metamorphose myself in such a way that I was nearly unrecognizable even to people who knew me.
“As for Zeppelin, he is right to say he owns this part of the mission,” she continued. “He has the power to assign someoneinhisplace, and if he did, I would abide by that decision. However, your assignment is my call to make. He can bloody well live with it.” The last part, she added under her breath.
Would he, though? Would I? Or would one of us kill the other within the op’s first few hours?
“You all right, mate?” asked my best friend, Magnet, who was abundantly aware of my dislike of the woman I was about to pretend I’d married.
“What the fuck is Nemesis thinking?” I muttered after we’d walked several paces away from the others. “Verity has one foot out the bloody door, for cripes’ sake.”
He shrugged. “Weareworking jointly with Unit 23.”
I glared at him. “Begrudgingly so. Plus, Nemesis said Typhon agreed to allow Verity to remain on the task force until a replacement could be found.”
“Not quite the way I remember it.”
I glared at him.
“What? That isn’t how he phrased it at all. He said?—”
“Bugger off. I know what he said,” I seethed.
Even if I had my druthers and actively sought to replace Verity, there wasn’t time. We’d been hunting AMPS for close to a year, and while we’d taken down two people we believed were key players, that they’d died before we could interrogate them had left the trail for the others ice cold.
For now, our strongest lead was in following the money, something Verity was damned good at. As much as I abhorred her, her prowess at forensic accounting was undeniable.
Magnet motioned with his chin to wheremynemesis sat talking with our commander, Nemesis. “Think she’s trying to get you taken off the assignment?”
“My op,” I muttered. “If she wants out, I encourage her to ask, but no one is removing me from an investigation taking place in the very country where I serve as task force commander.” I studied them, trying to get a read on their conversation. Every so often, Verity would glance in my direction, but I refused to act like I’d back down. Clearly, neither would she.
The woman drove me mad—unfortunately, in more ways than one. While I’d never admit it, especially to Magnet, who would give me endless shit about it, I’d noticed how hot Verity was the first time I saw her. While her bitchiness drove me crazy, the idea of going undercover as a newly married couple and using the opportunity to get my hands on her—at least in public—had my cock hardening enough to require I adjust my trousers.
I’d packedmy gear and taken it downstairs when Nemesis asked to speak with Verity and me again. Had she seen the error of her ways, and instead of the two of us working together, would she be reassigned? Or had Typhon changed his mind about the length of time he’d be willing to “loan” her to the coalition?
“You’ll need these.” Disappointment and relief warred inside me when, instead, she handed a small box to each of us.
Relief?Where had that come from? Other than one centrally located part of my anatomy, the rest of me wanted Verity out of sight and mind.
When neither of us reached for the boxes Nem held, she sighed. “This is an undercover assignment, for God’s sake. I expected more from the two of you than the childish behavior you’re exhibiting.”
Verity picked up the box closest to her but waited until I’d done the same before opening it.
“Wow,” I heard her gasp when she lifted the cover.
“Given you’ll be moving in affluent circles, amongst the type of people who would deposit large amounts of money in offshore accounts, I chose rings befitting the assignment.”
While far less ostentatious than Verity’s, the thick platinum band felt heavy and uncomfortable on my hand. Considering I’d never entertained the idea of marrying, I didn’t think about wearing a wedding band. As much as I didn’t like the feel of this one, I doubted it was something I’d ever agree to do. Not that I’d be in a position to disagree. Marriage seemed like somethingolderpeople did. However, among my peers, I was the same age as most who had recently gotten hitched.
Age aside, I hadn’t met anyone I’d consider spending more than a few weeks with, let alone a lifetime.
“You should make a habit of wearing it,” suggested Nem when I removed it from my finger. “You need to get used to it.” She glared at me until I slid it back on.