Page 4 of Code Name: Zeppelin
I shot what was in the glass and waited while he poured another. “Like I said, there’s a reason you’re my best mate.” After downing the second two fingers, I slammed the glass on the counter, bottoms up. “I’m so screwed.”
Rather than give me shit, Mag shook his head and looked down at my glass. “Truer words have rarely been spoken.”
“Wasn’t Albania sending an agent to join your team?” I asked, wanting to get off the subject of the woman I’d be spending countless hours with over the course of the next few weeks. “We could suggest a switch.”
“Albania is rethinking her involvement. Besides, she wouldn’t have been as qualified for this op as Verity.”
I nodded. He was right. “Why is Albanian rethinking her involvement?”
“Apparently, their director of intelligence is unwilling to let her go.”
I knew the loss of two agents on his team weighed heavily on Magnet, and, like me, he didn’t appreciate others choosing replacements on his behalf. As task force commanders, that should be our responsibility.
When it wastime to leave, I offered the front passenger seat to Verity, but when I opened the door, she went around to the opposite side and got in the backseat instead, as did Reaper.
“I heard Schön is joining your team,” said Mag as we drove out of Cayman Trace’s estate. It had served as our command center since the inception of the coalition.
“I know nothing about her. You do?”
Mag glanced in the rearview mirror, then at me. “I can’t believe you haven’t gotten wind yet. She’s the talk of intelligence circles worldwide.” He took a second look in the mirror, then mouthed, “Honey trap.”
I couldn’t tell if he was serious or just trying to get a reaction out of Verity. I looked over my shoulder to where she sat behind him. Her arms were folded the same way they had been earlier, and her head was turned so I couldn’t see her face. Before, I’d momentarily considered suggesting Schön take her place on the op for the sole purpose of annoying the woman. However, I was glad I’d held back. The way she was hunched made me wonder if the haughty and equally bossy woman was feeling insecure.
As often as she made me want to wring her neck, Verity was a good agent. I didn’t necessarily believe she was Unit 23 caliber, but who was I to judge?
My eyes met Mag’s, and I shook my head. He nodded and kept quiet for the duration of the drive.
Iseethed the entire way to the airfield. I’d say it was due to the objectification of a fellow female agent, but I’d be lying. I saw the way Zeppelin’s eyes had lit up when Nemesis shared Schön’s photo. Even I had to admit she was extraordinarily beautiful, and that left me feeling ugly and dull.
She was the equivalent of every supermodel-type Zeppelin was seen with in the past, with one vital exception. She also had brains. No intelligence agent made it on looks alone. I was surprised he hadn’t suggestedshebe his undercover wife the minute he saw her photo. No doubt it had crossed his mind.
Then, when Magnet said she was the talk of other agents worldwide, I felt immediately transported back to year eight when I was often mistaken for a boy due to the short haircut I sported. Once my true gender was revealed, I was teased mercilessly for not being a bloke. Coupled with getting marks far exceeding those of my peers, which escalated my advancement through higher-level courses, I was the epitome of a wonk.
I’d distractmyself by reviewing the brief Nemesis sent, but if I waited until we were on the plane, it would give me a reason to refrain from conversing with Zeppelin. That and my propensity for car sickness factored into my decision. It was a wonder, given all my foibles, that Typhon had considered me for Unit 23 at all.
When he’d said he’d agree to allow me to remain on permanent loan to the coalition, part of me couldn’t help but wonder if he was regretting his decision to hire me. I prayed not. I’d certainly never live it down with Zeppelin.
When I turned my head in the opposite direction, I caught him studying me. I had to bite my tongue to stop myself from asking why. Instead, I stared right back at him. Thinking I saw the glimmer of something akin to admiration, I snickered and looked away. Most likely, he was comparing me to Schön and what I actually saw was his amusement at my shortcomings.
When Magnet pulled up to the hangar, I thanked him for the lift, exited the vehicle, and approached the private aircraft that would take us to Zurich.
“Hello, Verity,” I heard a woman’s voice say from inside the plane.
I looked up. “Angel, is that you?” I rushed up the steps to hug the woman who’d been a former roommate at Fort Monckton and was one of my closest friends. “How are you?”
“When I saw your name pop up on the flight plan, I immediately signed up for the last-minute jaunt to Zurich,” she said after we’d cheek-kissed.
“Wow, it’s good to see you. It’s been far too long.”
She nodded and squeezed my hand. “We have a lot of catching up to do.”
“Are you able to stay on at all?” I asked before I thought better of it. Since Zeppelin and I were supposed to be undercover as honeymooners, it would hardly do for me to be seen at dinner with Angel. Unless, of course, he ditched me to spend time withSchön. If that happened, perhaps Angel and I could arrange for room service instead.
When someone cleared his throat, I stepped to the side to let Reaper pass. I expected Zeppelin to follow, but he stood outside the flight deck with us.