Page 48 of Code Name: Zeppelin
“Night, Zep. Stay alive.”
“You too.”
“My turn?”I asked when Verity came out a few minutes later looking fresh-faced and so beautiful that, once again, she took my breath away.
She nodded and pointed in the direction of the kitchen. “I’m kind of hungry.”
“I could eat. If you can wait, I’ll help.”
She glanced over her shoulder. “I can’t wait.”
I smiled, shook my head, and went into the bathroom. I couldn’t wait either, but we were talking about two entirely different things.
Ihad our dinner unpackaged and waiting by the time Zeppelin finished in the bathroom.
“I forgot to mention I spoke with Nemesis while you were in the bath. She said she rang you but you didn’t pick up.”
My God, I didn’t even notice I’d missed a call. I sighed and shook my head.
“What’s wrong?” Zeppelin asked.
“I feel like my head isn’t in the game.”
“That’s why you have a partner. When you’re on overdrive, I step up and vice versa.”
“Is that what we are? Partners?”
“Let’s eat before it gets cold.” He motioned to the table, and we both took a seat.
I waited, sensing he was weighing his words carefully. “I’m going to be honest with you about something you may not want to hear. I’ll preface it by saying I no longer feel the way I did before we left England.”
I sat back and folded my arms. “Go on.”
“There was a time I felt that, as a commander, I outranked you.”
I rolled my eyes. “I hadn’t noticed.”
“Yes, I suppose I didn’t keep it much of a secret.”
“Not even a little.”
“Like I said, I don’t feel that way anymore. In fact, I can see why Typhon was anxious to hire you for Unit 23, even though he consented to allowing you to remain working for the coalition.”
“I appreciate this very much, but?—”
“Forgive me, but please let me finish.”
“Go ahead.” I took a bite of my dinner.
“You asked if we were partners.”
I nodded.
“I would very much like us to be. I realize you’re ‘on loan’ from Unit 23, but for as long as you’re with the coalition, I’d be honored to work with you.”