Page 51 of Code Name: Zeppelin
The door to the bathroom was closed, but I stepped into the kitchen area anyway and lowered my voice.
“I am, and we haven’t killed each other yet. Seriously, though, we’ve established a rhythm to accomplish our objectives.”
“We knew you would.”
“Z and I. Actually, it was his idea that the two of you team up.”
I was stunned and had no idea how to respond.
“Apologies. I’m here, I just…”
“You’ve not been in St. Moritz a full forty-eight hours, and yet you’ve ‘established a rhythm.’ That should tell you we were right.”
“It isn’t that. I had no idea Z was involved in making the decision.”
“He looks out for you in the way he does with all his agents. Although, I get the feeling he has a soft spot for you because you remind him of his daughter.”
“Wren?” I gasped. The woman was a legend in intelligence.
“She is his only daughter.”
“Apologies again. It’s just, well. She’s…you know.”
Nemesis chuckled. “Yes, I do know, and honestly, you remind me of her too.”
“Come on, Nem. I do not.”
“I said it and I meant it.”
Zeppelin came out of the lavatory, took one look at me, and raised a brow. No doubt, my cheeks were flushed.
“Listen, I won’t keep you. Zeppelin passed on what he and I discussed, yes?”
“He did.”
“Then, I’ll ring off. Let me know how the stakeout goes today.”
“Will do.” I looked up at Zeppelin when Nem ended our call.
“What’s wrong?” he asked.
“I’m not sure anything’s wrong. It’s just that our going undercover together was Z’s idea.”
“I’m not surprised.”
“You’re not?”
“You weren’t there to witness it when he forced Nemesis and Ares together.”
“Let’s say our now-fearless commander cared for Ares about as much as you cared for me.”
“Were the feelings mutual?”