Page 79 of Code Name: Zeppelin
Fuck. What was she doing here? As much as I wanted to know the reason, at the same time, I wanted to plug my ears. Ididn’t know what I’d do, how I’d react, if she told me Verity was gone.
“What’s going on?” I asked in a tone much softer than I’d been using with the guys.
“Hey, Zep. I know you’ve been asking about Verity’s condition.”
“She made it out of surgery, and while her prognosis is serious, it’s no longer critical.”
“Thank God.”
“There’s something else I need to tell you.”
I nodded slowly.
“By the time I reached Medeor Hospital, she was no longer there.”
“Where is she?”
When Nemesis hesitated, I wanted to shout at her to fucking tell me.
“We don’t yet know.”
I sat straight up. “Who has her, Nem?” I didn’t care if I wasn’t supposed to stand on my leg. I’d rip the bloody cords and IV from my body, find Verity, and kill whoever had taken her, only after torturing them close to the brink of dying.
My eyes opened wide. “Pardon?”
“Typhon arrived before I did and made arrangements to have her transported. Apparently, Verity’s brother was with him. Given he is her immediate family, no one will tell me anything and I’ve been unable to reach Typhon.”
“Why would he do this?”
“Verity is in danger, as are you. As is everyone who was on Burj Al Arab’s helipad when Xavier Vella and Selene Pavia were killed.”
“Selene yelled out Sheka.”
“I’m aware.”
“Do you think Xavier is our S?”
“It’s a theory, Zep, but one with merit. Believe me, every available task force member is working diligently to find out.”
“Reaper said Francesca Vella had a heart attack.”
“We’re waiting for more information from Rile. As soon as I have an update, I’ll let you know.”
“Nem, I need to talk to Typhon.”
She rested her hand on mine. “As do I, Zeppelin.”
“Will you excuse us?” I said to Macht.
“Of course.” He stood and left the room.
Once he was gone, I turned to Nemesis. “Things between Verity and me changed. I know this sounds crazy, even to me, but Nem, I love her.”
“I know.”