Page 95 of The Sleeping Girls
She left Derrick with Gil Landrum and stepped outside the room and answered. “It’s Ellie.”
Cord’s breath echoed back. “I found something at the old Landrum property.”
Ellie’s pulse jumped. “Ruby?”
“No, but it is a grave. Benji just dug up a skeleton.Judging from the size and decomp, it’s been here a long time.”
Ellie pressed her hand to her forehead. “Stay there. I’ll send an ERT and Dr. Whitefeather out there.” She hung up and strode back to the interrogation room, her patience wearing thin.
“Mr. Landrum,” she spat. “We just searched your former homestead again and do you know what we found?”
He balled his hands into fists but said nothing.
She planted her palms on the table, and leaned forward, pinning him with a stare. “A body, that’s what we found.”
His sharp intake of breath rent the air.
“And you know what’s been bothering me. The fact that your wife ran out a week before Anna Marie’s death. Are you sure she ran off or did you kill her when you learned Anna Marie wasn’t yours and bury her in your backyard?”
He shot daggers at Ellie, his voice cold and hard. “I want a lawyer. Now.”
Heath watched the exchange between Detective Reeves, Agent Fox and his father with a sickening knot in his gut. The facts were pointing less and less toward Digger but to Heath’s father, stirring doubts and suspicions he couldn’t ignore.
His father claimed his mother left them, but Heath had never seen that note. And although she’d gone off on her own for a couple of days here and there, overall she’d been a good mother. Loving and kind. She used to curl up with him, Digger and Anna Marie, with popcorn and movies, and tell them stories at night.
He’d always felt abandoned and never understood why she’d actually leave. And now knowing Anna Marie had health issues, he couldn’t believe she’d abandon her daughter.
His father had also shut down after she left, then disappeared deep into despair when Anna Marie died.
What if… He didn’t want to even think it. But he had to face reality. A body was buried behind his old house. Anna Marie had died there.
He leaned on his elbows on his knees, dragging in a breath as nausea built along with the realization that his own father might have murdered his mother and sister.
While Ellie spoke with Deputy Landrum about this latest revelation, Derrick found the name of the specialist the family had consulted regarding Anna Marie’s kidney condition, a nephrologist named Dr. Darren Pugh.
The doctor was now head of a nephrology practice affiliated with the Emory Healthcare Network in Atlanta. He called the number listed, spoke to the receptionist and explained his reason for calling. She agreed to have the doctor call when he finished with the patient he was currently seeing.
Derrick studied the whiteboard of information, adding Gil Landrum as a person of interest. He wrote “Anna Marie’s biological father” beneath it. Both had motives for being upset with Landrum’s mother and possibly reason to kill Anna Marie. And now Digger was out, her real killer might want to put him back in prison so he could remain unnoticed.
He studied Ruby’s photo, willing it to present a clue as to where the killer had left Ruby, but there was nothing in the picture indicating a location.
His phone buzzed, and he connected. “Special Agent Fox.”
“This is Dr. Darren Pugh. My receptionist said you needed to talk to me about a former patient.”
“Yes. Fifteen years ago, you treated a teenage girl named Anna Marie Landrum who needed a kidney transplant.”
“That’s correct. What a sad story there. I was shocked when her brother murdered her.”
Derrick measured his words. “Actually, new information has come to light that sheds doubt on his conviction. I have warrants that allowed me access to Anna Marie’s medical records and autopsy, and learned the man believed to be her father was actually not her biological parent. I believe Mrs. Landrum may have contacted the biological father about being a donor and need to speak with him.”
“You understand HIPAA laws, Agent Fox.”
“I do, but this is a murder investigation and as I said, I have a warrant in hand. I’m faxing you a copy of it now.”