Page 32 of Pity Party
“He worked that out on his own.”
Tim smirks cockily. “I’m savvy like that. But in all seriousness, Missy and I aren’t going to tell you where our next date is going to be. I should find one wife before I add to my harem.”
“Our next date, huh?” I ask. I’ll definitely go out with Tim again. He’s surprisingly fun to be around, for someone who barely spoke to me when we were kids.
“I figure we’ll need at least three dates before we announce the engagement.”
Pushing out my chair, I stand up. “Why don’t you and Paige discuss our nuptials while I run to the ladies’?”
I leave them chatting away as I head across the dining room. Even though Tim feels more like a friend than a possible romance, there’s no telling what might develop.
When I get to the bathroom, I hurry to do my thing. Then I refresh my lipstick—even offering my reflection an air kiss or two—before exiting the facilities and running smack into Jamie. He reaches out to catch me as I stumble backward from the impact. Yowza!
With his arms around my waist, he says, “Your date must be going well for you to be in such a hurry to get back to him.”
I can’t seem to form a response. He’s so tall and firm and he smells great. I lean into him and inhale his spicy scent. His aftershave has a hint of orange and clove in it and it’s making me weak in the knees.
Jamie moves to pull away, but I unconsciously tighten my grip on him. How mortifying.
“Are you okay?” He actually sounds concerned.
“No. I mean, yes. Yes.” I’ve become a total idiot.
“Do you need me to help you back to your table?”
“No, no, no. No. I’ve got it.”
Morgan Freeman’s voice starts to narrate the scene in my head:
Melissa thought she could keep her cool after falling into the arms of a devastatingly handsome man, but she could not ...
“I’m going to let you go then.” Jamie clearly thinks something is wrong with me. And there must be if I’m having such a reaction to him holding me.
I push away from him and nearly trip over my own foot, which causes him to reach out for me again. “I’m a little lightheaded from hunger,” I tell him, while backing away more successfully.
“What time do you want me to pick you up tomorrow?” he asks.
Tomorrow? What is he talking about?Oh right, we’re going to the mall with Sammy. “How about at ten? I live above the yarn shop on Main Street.”
“Sounds good,” he says, but neither of us moves. “I’ll see you then.”
I nod my head. “Sounds like a plan.”
It’s like someone poured cement around us and it’s started to harden. If this was one of the rom-coms Paige and I love watching so much, I’d call this a love staredown. But that’s ridiculous because it’s clear Jamie barely tolerates my existence.
“Enjoy your lunch,” Jamie says, without making a move to leave.
“Yeah, you too.”
Morgan Freeman pipes in with:
Melissa has forgotten how to walk. How awkward …
I force my feet, one in front of the other, all the way back to my table where my patty melt has been delivered.
“Are you okay?” Tim asks. “You look a little pale.”
“You look like you’re going to be sick,” Paige clarifies.