Page 30 of Pity Pact
“You ate that entire pot pie.” He sounds impressed. “We’re going to have to put your name up on the events board and let everyone know it’s possible.”
“I’m a woman of many talents,” I tell him proudly.
“I bet you are …” Somehow, I don’t think he’s talking about my ability to eat huge quantities of food in one sitting. “Sleep tight, Paige.”
“Good night, Tim,” I whisper before hanging up. This man has me tied up in knots. But he’s told me repeatedly that he’s not looking for love, and I need to believe him. I will not be one of those women who thinks she can change a man. I’ve been there before and believe me, it’s a one-way ticket to Disappointment City.
Closing my eyes, I force all thoughts of him out of my head. Which is probably why I spend the rest of the night having nightmares about Chip Baker. In my dreams, he’s a real baker who chases me around the school demanding that I eat everything he makes. His specialties are frog muffins and beetle brownies. I feel so sick when I wake up, I briefly wonder if it was more than a dream.
“Eyes up here!” I ring the bell on my desk to get the attention of my last class of the day. “I need to leave twenty minutes early today. Mrs. Grant will be filling in for me.”
A series of groans fills the air, along with a loud, “No!!!”
“Yes,” I assure them. “And I’d better get a good report from her if you don’t want extra homework and a slew of random popquizzes.” I catch Billy Brandt’s eye, and add, “And I don’t mean maybe.”
Billy, who is the most challenging student in the entire school, yells, “You can’t do that!”
I arch one eyebrow menacingly. “I can do anything I want, Billy.”
“You can’t hit kids, or you’d go to jail.” He never gives up.
As much as I’d like to tell him it might be worth it, I don’t want to lose my job, so I stay quiet.
As soon as Hallie walks into the room, I grab my purse and whisper to her, “Wish me luck.”
She winks in response before turning to my class. “I’d like you all to sit quietly and read your science books. I’ll be right here if you have any questions.”
I lean over to her and remind her, “This is math.”
Her eyes widen as she tells them, “In that case, you’re on your own.”
I walk out of my room before breaking into a trot toward the exit that will take me closest to the parking lot. I’m nearly at the door when I hear Not-so-Chipper call out. “Paige!” I ignore him, so he shouts louder, “PAIGE!!!” I’m sure the entire school heard that one.
I whip around and snap, “What?”
He hurries to my side. “My car won’t start.”
“And you want me to fix it?”What an idiot.
Jamming his hands into his coat pockets, he says, “No. I’m asking for a ride to the country club.”
Horror flows through me like a nasty bout of food poisoning. “Inmycar?”
“That might be easier than carrying me on your back and running.”Sassy pants.
I want to tell him there’s no way I’d ever let him into my car. But not only do I have to work with him through the rest of the school year, I also have to film a television show with him for the next month.
“Fine,” I tell him. “But no talking.”
“Why can’t I talk?”
“Because I like silence when I’m driving. You wouldn’t want me to get into an accident, would you?” He suddenly looks less interested in driving with me. Good.
We walk to my car in silence, but once we get there he demands, “Thisis your car?” He looks appalled, which I’m guessing is due to the multiple dents from my sliding into the trees at the end of my driveway.
Instead of using this as an opportunity to tell him what an unsafe driver I am, I tell him, “At least it works.” I pointedly add, “Unlikesomepeople’s.” Put that in your pipe, Not-so-Chipper. “If it’s too beneath you to be seen in Bessie here, feel free to walk.”
Once we’re inside, I turn on the ignition and let the defroster do its job before putting the gear shift in reverse. As I pull out of the parking lot, Chip announces, “At least you’ve got a good heater in this thing.”