Page 34 of Pity Pact
“Need some help?” I ask.
“I thought I’d ask one of the other women to help me, thank you.”
“Okay, once you’re free, could you please walk down the hall to my office?”
“Are you okay?” she wants to know.
“I’m not sure.”
She sounds worried enough to say, “I’m on my way.”
Moments later, Paige walks through the door. She’s wearing a sleek black cocktail dress that makes her look like an old-school movie star. Her hair is pulled back into a low ponytail and her lipstick is bright red. The only word that comes to mind is, “Wow!”
She drops down into a half curtsy. “Thank you. You look terrific yourself.” She walks over to me and turns around so I can see her zipper before telling me, “You have to pull it down to get the fabric out and then be really careful when you zip it back up.”
It only takes me thirty seconds to fix her problem. “You’re set,” I tell her.
She turns around and narrows her gaze. “It would appear you’ve had some experience with women’s clothing.”
I’m not sure what she’s accusing me of, so I assure her, “Only when women are wearing it.”
“I didn’t thinkyouwere wearing women’s clothing.” She turns around and sits down on the sofa against the wall. “Now, what’s the crisis?”
Leaning against the edge of my desk, I tell her, “I still don’t understand what our pity pact is all about. But you should know that I’m not hoping to meet anyone on the show, and that I’m still only doing it because I want to make Eva jealous.”
She snorts. “I pretty much figured that was the case. And just so you know, I think that’s awful.” I don’t have a chance to defendmyself before she adds, “Everyone else is searching for love, and you’re ruining someone’s chance.”
The back of my neck starts to prickle. “I feel bad about that.”
“So, what exactly do you expect me to do?”
“I was wondering if you might help make me look desirable. You know, hang on my every word? Look at me like I’m the ice cream to your cone?”Maybe you won’t have to act…
She stands up and walks toward me like I’m in trouble. “I’m hoping to meet my soulmate, Tim. And if I do, I don’t want him to think I’m interested in you. Worse yet, I don’t want him to think I’m two-timing him.”
I hadn’t thought about that. “I totally understand. If you don’t want to act like you’re interested in me for yourself then maybe, you know, you could talk me up?”
“To the other women who arealsohere looking for love?” Yeah, she’s not going for it.
“Maybe you could just be nice to me then. Act like youmightbe interested.”
“You’re a real piece of work, Tim Ferris.” With her hands on her hips, she adds, “I don’t give a floating fig about Eva, and you shouldn’t either. If you want my help, you’re going to have to promise to give these women a chance. Arealchance.”
“And if I do, you’ll help me?”
She turns her head slightly toward the wall, so she can give me a fierce side-eye. “Are you going to be open to something happening with one of the ladies on the show?”
I shrug. “I suppose. I mean, I’m sure stranger things have happened.”
“Fine,” she decides. “But if I think for one minute you aren’t serious then I’m going to out you as a fraud.”
Panic fills my extremities. “You can’t do that.”
“I can do anything I want. Don’t cross me.”
Great, I’m more nervous now than ever. What in the world was I doing asking Paige for help?