Page 46 of Pity Pact
I turn around and snort. “First come, first serve, buddy. If you were smart, you’d dig in here before I come back for seconds.”
Tim puts a few things on his plate. “Let’s go find a place to sit.” He hands me his plate. “I’ll go get us drinks, and I’ll join you.”
“I don’t get another drink for thirty minutes,” I tell him.
“Good thing you’re friends with the owner then.” He winks before walking away.
While carrying both of our plates across the room, I pass Chip and Brittany. Their heads are together and they’re laughing about something. I’m suddenly jealous of how comfortable they seem together. The fact that Chip Baker can find his match before me really smarts.
Once I reach a pair of wingback chairs, I put Tim’s and my plates on the small table situated between them. Then I sit down and scan the room, looking for some man to catch my interest. Unfortunately, my gaze goes straight to Fielden. I know I told Trina I’d give him another shot, but there’s no way I’m ever going to like that guy. He reminds me too much of the jocks in high school. The guys who never gave me the time of day. Guys like Tim.
Cami stops me while I’m on my way to talk to Paige. “Do you have time to talk?” She lowers her eyelids and looks up at me through her thick lashes. She’s clearly flirting.
“I’d love to,” I tell her. “But Paige is waiting for me.”
“I’ll come with you,” she says enthusiastically. “Paige is super sweet, and I feel lucky to have found a friend so quickly.”
“Until you both want the same guy,” I tease.
One of her eyebrows shoots up in a question mark. “I thought you and Paige were only friends.”
“We are,” I assure her.
Cami shrugs coyly. “Then I think we’re safe.” Uh oh. She’s declaring her interest in me, and while I find that flattering, it’s equally nerve wracking. Paige warned me not to fool around with people’s hearts, and I’m taking that seriously.
Yet even though I don’t want to lead women on, I really do want Eva to see that I’m having a great time without her. One of the things I wanted to talk to Paige about was figuring out how to achieve my goals without hurting anyone.
Cami and I walk quietly until we reach our destination. Afterhanding Paige a wine glass, I tell Cami, “Go ahead and sit down. I’ll just grab another chair.”
After securing my seat, I return to the ladies. “So, are we having fun yet?”
“I’d rather be tarred and feathered and paraded around the town square than be here right now.” Paige is nothing if not descriptive.
“I’m having a great time,” Cami interjects while batting her eyes at me.
I shift in my seat uncomfortably. “There seem to be some nice guys here. You should definitely talk to them.”
“I’m talking to one now.” She winks at me before turning to Paige. “How about you? Have you met anyone interesting?”
“Not really. Although, I did have my first one-on-one with Fielden.”
“Which one is he?” she asks while looking around.
I point across the room. “He’s the tall lawyer from Chicago.”
“He’s cute! How did it go?”
Paige’s face screws up in a look of disgust. “I don’t think we’re a fit.”
“I don’t like him either,” I tell her. “The guy bumped into me earlier tonight and said he liked his competition to know who the alpha male was.”
Paige looks less than impressed by that bit of news. “Gross.”
Surprisingly, Cami comes to his defense. “Come on, you guys. This is a really hard thing to do. Remember, we’re here to find love, not friends.” She stares at me like she has x-ray vision before adding, “I hope I’m lucky enough to do both.”