Page 52 of Pity Pact
If I tell her the truth, she’ll accuse me of giving Eva too much control over my life. So I hem and haw for a minute before answering, “I’m just trying to get back into the swing of dating.”
My dad shoots me a questioning look. “You did almost nothing but date when you first came home.”
That’s true. Switching tracks, I tell him, “I’m doing it for the club. You know, all that great publicity.”
Someone less work-oriented would call me out on my BS answer, but not my dad. “I think I’ll stop in and check out filming one of these days.”
Perspiration beads at my hairline. “They have closed sets, Dad. You can’t just show up and watch.”
“Yes, but I own the place. Surely, they’d let me take a little peek.”
“I want to see, too!” My mom is as excited as if she’d been offered a private tour of Buckingham Palace.
“I don’t think they’ll let either of you in.”Please let that be true.“They want everyone to be surprised by the outcome when the show airs.” I tell them, “I’m not even allowed to tell you if I become part of a couple before then.” There’s nothing about that in the contract, but I figure I’ll say whatever I need to say to keep them from interfering.
“That can’t be legal.” This, from my mother.
“I agreed to their terms, Mom. You’re just going to have to wait until the show airs to find out how things go.”
My dad picks up his napkin before wiping his mouth. “What do you say we have lunch there sometime this week, Ellen?”
“I’d love to, dear.” My mom hasn’t wanted to step foot in the club since my dad retired, so I know it’s interest in my personal life that’s motivating her.Fantastic.
I move my chair away from the table. “I probably won’t be home until late, so don’t wait up.” Then I stand and push my chair back in before walking away.
“Have a good day!” my mom calls out after me.
In the distance, I overhear my dad tell her, “I’m going to have a nice chat with the producers ofMidwestern Matchmaker. I bet they’ll let us watch.”
Those words feel like nails in my coffin.
Ten years in Los Angeles was ten years when my parentsdidn’t know every detail of my life. And while I missed them, I did not miss the third degree about every little thing.
Instead of trying to insinuate herself in my personal life, my mom helped my brother to find love. Jonathon was oddly not freaked out about all her personal questions involving his lifestyle. In fact, he treated my mom like a friend and let her help him filter through the masses until he found Jacob.Now that’s a formula for a dating show.
While I wait for my car to heat up, I reminisce about better times. I met Eva at the Coffee Bean she worked at on the West Side. It was packed that day, and she was harried beyond belief. An office building nearby had just called in a huge order and one of her co-workers was a no-show.
When she handed me the wrong order, I told her, “I had the cup of black coffee.”
She looked down at the scone and whipped cream covered drink in front of me and burst into tears. “That’s the fifth order I’ve gotten wrong this morning.”
I had tried to console her by offering, “If it will make your life easier, I’ll keep it.”
Wiping the tears from her face, she said, “That’s really nice, thanks.”
I hung around to drink my super sweet mocha until things slowed down. Then Eva came over to talk. One thing led to another, and before I knew it, I had her number.
Back then, Eva was a hard worker. Even though she was driven, she was plain fun to be around. I try to remember when that had changed, but I guess the increments were so gradual I didn’t see it happening in real time.
Pulling out of the driveway, I wonder what my life would have been like had I stayed in Elk Lake. In addition to being a heck of a lot quieter, I would have been surrounded by people I’d known since I was a kid.
Even so, I know me. I would have wondered what I was missing out on. That’s when it hits me. Maybe Eva and I are morealike than I’d realized. Not that I would have ever cheated on her, but maybe when she met Holden, she saw her chance at fame and thought it might be her last.
By the time she left me, it had been six years since Eva’s last acting job. The glamour of twirling through a Christmas scene in a Target commercial can only last you so long. So, while I don’t condone her behavior, maybe there’s a tiny part of me that better understands her motivation. Screwed up as it was.
As I park my car at the club, I feel the start of something that might be peace wash over me. Yes, my marriage ended. And while I was absolutely devastated, Eva has moved on. I’m starting to think it’s time I entertain the possibility of me doing the same. I’m not saying I’m actively looking for Miss Right, but maybe I should stopnotlooking.
I run into Terry as soon as I walk through the front door, and before I can say hello, he practically shouts, “Man, you are not going to believe what’s happening!”