Page 6 of Pity Pact
I love my friend. I’m happy for my friend. Good things come to those who wait.I repeat my latest mantra in my head. “You deserve each other,” I tell her, hoping I sound supportive and not like I’m putting a curse on her.
Missy drops the dress she’s holding and walks toward the pink pincushion stool I’m sitting on. It’s near the platform where future brides stand so their friends can admire them in their wedding finery. “You’re going to find somebody wonderful onMidwestern Matchmaker. I just know it.” She scooches me over so she can sit next to me. In doing so, she causes my perch to topple over, which knocks us both onto the floor.
I immediately stretch out and assume my favorite yoga position, Dead Man’s Pose. “What are the chances of that happening?”
Lying next to me, Missy says, “You’re the one who’s watched every dating reality show in history. You know the stats on all the couples who’ve ever wound up together.”
“For every love match there are five thousand poor suckers who remain single …” I sound like Winnie the Pooh’s buddy Eeyore.
I hate that downtrodden donkey.
“What has gotten into you? You’re not acting like my super optimistic and fabulously fun best friend.”
“I’m terrified, Missy,” I tell her. What I don’t say is that I’m afraid there’s no one left for me.
“Maybe so, but you’re also going to be the biggest catch on that entire show.” She reaches over and takes my hand. “You’re going to do great, Paige.”
“That’s what Tim said.”
She sits up. “When did you see him?”
“At the country club today after I met with the producers from the show.”
Her brow furrows. “How’s he doing? The last time I saw him, he looked like he was getting ready to take a long walk off a short pier.”
I tuck my hands behind my neck. “He seemed okay.” I also think he might have smelled my hair, but I leave that part out.
“I think he’s still mourning his marriage.”
“Of course he is. It must be a real blow to have your spouse leave you for someone else.” I hurriedly add, “And then to see her cheering in the stands at every televised Lakers game.”
Missy rolls over onto her knees before standing. “He’s probably given up watching basketball.”
“He offered to keep his ear to the ground for any intel that might help me succeed on the show,” I tell her.
“Tim’s a great guy.” She picks up the wedding dress shedropped. “Are you going to camp out on the floor, or do you want to get up and help me?”
“Do you have a blanket?” I ask hopefully, thinking that lying on the floor of Bride’s Paradise has been the best part of my day so far. I wouldn’t mind taking a little nap.
Missy nudges me with the tip of her shoe. “I’ll take you out for ice cream if you get up.”
“How many scoops?” I’m staying put if it’s only one.
“Three.” She knows how to get my attention.
As I maneuver to my feet, I ask, “What if I do something embarrassing and the whole world sees it?”
“First of all, the whole world won’t be watching, so you’re safe.” She’s not going to let me talk myself out of this. “Also, what if you don’t meet the man of your dreams on the show, but he’s watching, and he reaches out to you afterward? How romantic wouldthatbe?”
After a long pause, I finally agree, “That would be pretty romantic.”
Missy grabs her purse from under the counter and walks to the door. She turns the open sign over. “My mom’s still in Europe, so I’m going to have to bring my ice cream back.”
“She’sstillthere? I thought she was coming back last week.” Missy’s mom never vacations, so we were all surprised when she announced she was going to Europe by herself.
My friend shrugs her shoulders. “She decided she might as well see as much as she can while she’s there, so she extended her trip.”
“What about Howard?”