Page 63 of Pity Pact
Cami and I are rendered speechless and our mouths hang open in shock. Who would have thought Adele was so progressive?
“Righteous!” Jake practically shouts before scooting his chair as close to Adele’s as he can without sitting on her lap. “I love tantra.”
“Really?” Adele’s eyes light up like the Christmas tree in Rockefeller Center.
Jake looks at her dinner plate. The lack of greasy smudgesseems to prompt him to ask, “Didn’t you eat the cheeseburger casserole?”
Adele shutters with apparent revulsion. “I don’t eat meat.”
“Are you vegan?” he asks enthusiastically.
“For ten years.”
Cami and I share a look of perplexed understanding. Trina is setting up Jake and Adele? There’s no way under the sun I would have seen that coming. On the surface, Jake is a super-stud with a slightly air-headed aura, and Adele gives off vibes of being someone’s matron aunt from my grandmother’s era. I guess it just goes to show there really is a match out there for everyone.
While the camera focuses on Jake and Adele, I motion to Cami that we should beat it out of there. Once we’re away from the table, I whisper, “That was wild.”
“No kidding.” Thank goodness she’s as shocked as I am. I wouldn’t want her to think I was being unkind. “And here I thought maybe Jake and I might have had a connection.”
Trying not to sound hurt, I respond, “I thought Trina was settingusup.”
She stops walking and looks up at me intensely. “I didn’t think you were looking.”
I point to the mute button on my microphone while answering, “Of course I’m looking. Why else would I be on this show if not to meet the love of my life?”
She immediately lifts her hand to her mic and turns it off. “Sorry, I forgot.”
“No problem,” I tell her. “I just don’t want Eva to watch the show and feel sorry for me.”
“Is she still the only reason you’re here?”
I pause for a moment before confessing, “Not anymore.”
I nod my head. “I’ve been thinking a lot. I don’t want Eva back, and I truly am over her, so why shouldn’t I consider a new relationship?”
Cami looks skeptical. “So, if you and I get along, there might be a future for us?”
“Yes,” I tell her with meaning.
Before she can comment, Trina walks up to us. “There’s something wrong with your mics.” She glares at me in such a way that it’s obvious she knows I’ve turned mine off and told Cami how to do the same.
Feigning surprise, I ask, “How can that be?”
Cami adds, “Maybe they were never turned on.”
“Oh, they were turned on, all right. We’ve been able to hear you perfectly until you got up from the table.” She reaches over and flips both of our switches back on. There’s a look of warning in her eyes.
Neither Cami nor I say anything more until Trina is gone. We can’t continue our conversation about Eva because that would out me, and we can’t discuss how we turned our mics off to have a private chat.
Cami ultimately takes control of the situation and takes my arm. “Now that we know what Jake and Adele like to do in their free time, why don’t you tell me whatyourhobbies are.”
“I … um …” I’m not making the transition to on-camera Tim very quickly.
“While you think about it,” she says, “I’ll tell you what I like to do. I play competitive canasta.”
“Excuse me?”