Page 72 of Pity Pact
Fielden?“You scheduled my date and Paige’s at the same time?” I briefly remember Paige saying something about her date being on Tuesday, but I must have blocked it.
“That’s what I just said.”
An idea pops into my head. “Why don’t we go on a double date then?”
“We’ve never done double dates before.”
I remind her, “I thought you said you were trying to shake things up this season.”
Trina’s eyes roll up like she’s looking at a thought bubble over her head. After a few seconds, she decides, “Yes, let’s do that.”
“Maybe don’t tell the others until right before shooting starts,” I suggest. I don’t want to give Paige the opportunity to beg off.
“Good thinking,” Trina agrees. Then she turns to the door. “Go through hair and makeup and meet us outside of Conference Room A at five.”
After she’s gone, I start to think of all the things that might go wrong tonight. There are so many, I give up and push all the impending disasters into the back of my mind. The good news is Paige and I will be on the same date, so hopefully I can show her how wildly inappropriate Fielden is for her.
And maybe, just maybe, how appropriateIam for her.
At four-thirty, I leave my office and head to hair and makeup. Paige and Cami are already there.
Paige tells Cami, “I wonder why we’re here at the same time.”
My date smiles at me in the mirror while answering her. “I have no idea.”
They both turn their attention to me when I join them at the makeup table. “Hey, Tim.” Cami smiles brightly. She really is lovely.
Paige skips the pleasantries. “Do you know what’s going on with our dates tonight?”
“I do,” I tell her.So much for surprising them on set.“They’ve double-booked us so we’re going to go on a double date.” Her expression immediately falls.
“I don’t think they’ve ever done that before,” Cami says.
Luckily, Trina comes into the room and saves me from further interrogation. “Hello, everyone. How are you all today?” she asks excitedly.
“Kind of bummed,” Paige tells her. “What’s this about a double date?”
Trina glances at me before answering, “I see Tim’s told you about his idea.” Two sets of eyes bore into my head. I’m in trouble now.
“It wasn’t so much my idea …” I start to tell them before explaining, “as it was a solution to a scheduling problem.”
“This way neither Cami nor Fielden made a trip in vain,” Trina tells them.
“We could have gone one after the other,” Paige says.
“We only have the crew for four hours tonight,” Trina tells her. “And that would be cutting it close.”
“Why can’t we both have our dates at the same time but at different tables?” Paige asks while looking at me like she’s ready to punch me.
“Because we only have one camera tonight, and we want to make sure we give you all equal time.” No one comments on that.
While silence would probably be the best option, I feel compelled to announce, “I think it’ll be fun.”
Cami shrugs her shoulders. “I’m game if you all are.” Then she takes her turn at the makeup table.
I hate to admit it, but I’m more excited about this double date than I was for Cami and me to go out alone. Cami seems equally unbothered by the change.
“Why don’t Fielden and I take off and do something else while you two have your date?” Paige suggests.