Page 78 of Pity Pact
“Which parts?” I’m truly curious because for me, the whole night was excruciating.
“Sharing you with the other two,” he answers. While that sounds sweet, Cami and Tim were so into each other that Fielden and I could have tap danced on the table in our birthday suits and they would have been none the wiser.
“Cami and Tim barely noticed us.”
Instead of agreeing, he asks, “Would you like to go out again, just me and you?”
I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t but before I can tell him that,Tim and Cami exit the conference room. They’re arm-in-arm and seem to be having a grand old time.What happened to dessert?When they hug, I answer Fielden. “Sure. We can try it again.” My tone encompasses the same amount of excitement I use when scheduling a septic cleaning.
“Excellent.” Fielden smiles somewhat endearingly. Although after tonight, I’m pretty sure I won’t be developing feelings for him. “So, I guess I’ll see you at the next mixer on Friday.” I turn my head as he leans in to kiss me, so his lips land on my cheek.
“Goodnight.” I collect my coat and bag from the coat check and beat it out of there as fast as humanly possible. As soon as I get into my car, the full impact of the evening hits me.
Picking up my phone, I call Missy.
“How did it go?” she asks excitedly.
“I’ve never been on such a bad date.”
“Have you forgotten about the guy who took you to that expensive restaurant and then claimed to have forgotten his wallet when the check came?”
She tries again. “What about the one who hit on your mom?” That occurred the night I introduced Bill—a guy I’d only seen twice—to my parents. He took one look at my mom and asked her if she’d like to have lunch sometime. Just the two of them.
“Tonight was worse,” I say.
“Oh, Paige.” She sounds so disappointed I feel tears prickle at the back of my eyes.
“I know …” I pause to gain my composure. “Fielden’s actions were all over the map—into me one minute and the next it was like I didn’t even exist.”
“What was that all about?” she demands angrily.
“Nerves, I guess. I’m starting to see why Trina told us we needed to give people several chances before deciding against them. Having said that, Fielden’s made such a negative impact on me, I’m not sure I could ever see myself being attracted to him.”
Missy’s tone mellows. “It can’t be easy having cameras and a crew watch everything you do.”
“No …”
When I don’t finish answering, she asks, “That’s the most difficult part, right?”
“It’s not easy,” I tell her. “But I think the worst part is the pressure you feel to find someone.”
“But that’s why you’re on the show.”
“I know. But there’s no small talk for the sake of small talk. You’re judging everyone as a possible mate and they’re doing the same.”
She releases a groan of understanding. “And when you meet someone organically, there’s always an out.”
“Exactly. If you’re not vibing, you can tell them about your boyfriend and pretend any previous flirtation was imagined.”
“It really is a jungle out there, isn’t it?”
I kick the heat up to high hoping the car will defrost faster. “It’s more like getting pushed off a cliff and trying to figure out how to fly before splatting on the ground below.”
“You’re so lucky you found Jamie,” I tell her. “Does he have a brother?”