Page 89 of Pity Pact
“Sure, you are. You’re blonde and beautiful. How could that not be my type?”
Hands up, who doesn’t love a guy who won’t take no for an answer?“I’m never moving out of Elk Lake,” I tell him. “So, unless you’re interested in giving up your glamorous life, then you should really look elsewhere.”
He immediately shifts his attention to Cami. “How about you? Are you interested?” He’s as confident as if he was a world class sprinter on his way to a fire sale.
“No, thank you,” Cami tells him. “I’ve already met a very nice man.”
Darn it, she’s talking about Tim. Once again, I feel the need to tell her I’ve thrown my hat into the ring, but I should really talk to Tim about it first.
After Decker walks away eager to find someone who will fall for his cheesy lines, I tell Cami, “This isn’t turning out to be the show I thought it would be.”
She glances around the room. “If I had to guess, I’d say everyone else is thinking the same thing.” She adds, “There’s a reason we all applied to be onMidwestern Matchmakerand notBachelor BumsorSex Kittens.”
“I wonder why they’re changing things?”
She says, “Their ratings have probably slipped, and they’ve decided to pander to the masses.”
In the distance, I see Tim talking to Trina. It appears he’s giving her a piece of his mind. His hands are flailing in the air to the point where he looks like he’s about to burst a gasket. Trina doesn’t seem comfortable, but her military-like stance would indicate she’s sticking to her guns.
Cami and I are still talking when Tim comes back to us. “She set me up,” he declares heatedly.
“What? How?” I want to know.
“She found out who I am, or rather who my ex is, and decided to put me on the show for dramatic effect.”
“But you said they agreed not to mention Eva unless you did so first,” I remind him.
“Right, but they didn’t agree to that until the show started filming. Thank goodness I’ve made sure to always have my mic on mute every time I’ve mentioned her.”
“So they can’t bring her up …” I confirm.
Cami interrupts, “Unless they’re going to blindside you.”
“No way,” Tim says. “I’ve already told them I’ve had my lawyer look at the contract and if they do anything to break it, I’ll sue them for all they’re worth.”
“It’s just so underhanded,” I say disappointedly.
“It’s slimy,” Cami agrees. “But now you have more men to choose from. That’s a good thing, right?”
I notice how she says thatIhave more men to choose from and doesn’t include herself in the mix. She thinks she has Tim, and even though I like her, that makes me angry. So I tell her, “Weallhave more people to choose from.”
Cami looks at Tim like they’re sharing some secret before saying, “Not me. I’m already spoken for.”
Her confidence is infuriating. How dare she think Tim is already hers? “Be careful,” I warn her. “Nothing is done until it’s done.” While not my most profound sentence, I still get my point across.
Cami seems taken aback. “I know what I want, Paige, and I’m hopeful the person I want feels the same way.”
While she has every right to her feelings, especially as she doesn’t know that Tim has asked me out for real, her self-assuredness still smarts. I’m about to pull Tim off to the side and tell him that we need to set Cami straight when Trina claps her hands.Again.I’m going to have hand-clapping PTSD by the time we’re done filming.
“Can I have everyone’s attention, please!” Every eye in the room turns to look at her. “We’re going to have a little competition.”
“What now, Red Rover?” someone calls out.
“It’s a dancing competition,” Trina tells us before explaining, “Each couple must include one member of the original cast and one of our new guests.”
“Well, I’m out,” I announce while turning away.
“I’ll come with you,” Cami says.