Page 91 of Pity Pact
When I’m done, I pick up my plate and leave the room. My dad calls after me, “See you later, son.”
Apparently, feeling the need to rub it in, my mom adds, “We can’t wait!”
I consider my options during my commute to the club. I could quit the show and face the consequences—a.k.a. lawyers; I could come out and tell Paige that Cami and I are only pretending to be into each other to make Eva jealous, which might make her so angry that she walks away—darn that pity pact; or I could gas up the car and leave town.
Pulling into the club parking lot, I try to decide where my first destination should be. I’m thinking Florida or Costa Rica. As I walk into the building, I visualize my toes sinking into tropical sand. Then I run into Terry.
“Hey man, what’s up?” I ask him.
“I just got a call from your dad,” he says haltingly.
“Oh yeah, he and my mom are coming in today.”
“He told you?”
Taking off my coat, I say, “What’s the big deal?” Other than going completely against my wishes, that is.
“I thought you’d be mad.”
“I’m not happy,” I tell him. “But he’s the majority shareholder here, so what can I do?”
Terry runs his hands through his thinning hair. “I guess I thought you’d be ticked your parents were going to be on the show.”
A stabbing pain shoots through my chest. “WHAT?”
“Trina is going to interview them.”
“Oh, no she’s not,” I say before asking, “How do you even know that?”
“Trina asked me for your parents’ number early this morning, so I gave it to her.” He looks sheepish while adding, “I followed her and listened to her end of the call.”
Heat pours through my veins like acid. “What exactly did she say?”
“She told your parents she had some questions for them.”
My heart rate decreases slightly. “Why do you assume she wants them on the show? Maybe they’re club-related queries.”
While walking toward the elevator, Terry clarifies, “She told them they’d have hair and makeup here. I assumed that meant they would be in front of the camera.”
That is rather clear. “Did she say anything about interviewing any of the other parents?”
“Not that I heard.”
“Thanks for the heads up, Terry.” I turn around and hurry to reception. “Please let me know the minute my parents get here,” I tell the front desk attendant. He responds with a thumbs up.
I could walk out the front door now and still get as far as Kentucky by nightfall. But if I did that, I’d miss seeing Paige. Picking up my phone, I call her.
She answers, “You do realize you make more phone calls than both of my parents combined.”
Skipping the small talk, I say, “I just found out Trina is interviewing my parents for the show.”
“Are they talking to yours?” I ask her.
“My folks are in Florida.”
“I’m sure they have affiliates there.”